

Digital strategies may help to overcome challenges in providing contraception education to overlooked and key sub-populations (older teens, ethnic minority youth, LGBTQ youth, high school dropouts and males). However, many current digital strategies are not culturally specific and often have limited information on the most effective contraceptive methods. In this article, we describe the preliminary steps used to develop #JustBe, a user-centered digital strategy for ethnic minority older youth and young adults with a specific focus contraception, sexual health, consent, and healthy relationships. Technology-based strategies such as #JustBe offer advantages over traditional face-to-face methods by utilizing a confidential way to retrieve sexual health information that may be sensitive and potentially embarrassing. Questions still remain regarding the feasibility and long-term effects of mobile health interventions for contraception use.

Key Take Away Points

  • Our user-centered strategy allowed the development of critical content necessary to target subgroups
  • Health literacy in particular and literacy in general should be considered when delivering digital education
  • Various marketing strategies that are user-centered and based on audio-centric marketing behavior (e.g., timing and placement of social media ads, modifying layout to include design thinking strategies that encourage behavior change) are needed to target different subgroups within a target community


