Subclavian vein catheter-related infection and hospital costs associated with exchange via a guidewire

Bernice Philomena Kline, The University of Texas School of Public Health


An observational study was conducted in a SICU to determine the frequency of subclavian vein catheter-related infection at 72 hours, to identify the hospital cost of exchange via a guidewire and the estimated hospital cost-savings of a 72 hour vs 144 hour exchange policy. An overall catheter-related infection ($\geq$15 col. by Maki's technique (1977)) occurred in 3% (3/100) of the catheter tips cultured. Specific infections rates were: 9.7% (3/31) for triple lumen catheters, 0% (0/30) for Swan-Ganz catheters, 0% (0/30) for Cordes catheters, and 0% (0/9) for single lumen catheters. An estimated annual hospital cost-savings of $35,699.00 was identified if exchange of 72 hour policy were changed to every 144 hours. It was recommended that a randomized clinical trial be conducted to determine the effect of changing a subclavian vein catheter via a guidewire every 72 hours vs 144 hours.

Subject Area

Surgery|Health care

Recommended Citation

Kline, Bernice Philomena, "Subclavian vein catheter-related infection and hospital costs associated with exchange via a guidewire" (1989). Texas Medical Center Dissertations (via ProQuest). AAI9021983.
