

Aortic fistulas are a rare condition that can be fatal if not detected early. They can occur spontaneously or after trauma or vascular procedures. The most common aortic fistulas occur with the esophagus, intestines, atrium, and bronchi. Aorto-superior vena cava (SVC) fistulas are exceedingly rare finding. We present a patient with a dissected aortic pseudoaneurysm complicated by an aorto-SVC fistula, leading to left-to-right shunting. This caused increased pulmonary blood flow, left ventricular volume overload, and eventual high-output heart failure. This is a unique case of an aorto-SVC fistula as a complication of subacute/chronic ascending aortic dissection in a patient who underwent CABG. Clinicians should be aware of this condition, as it can be fatal despite treatment.
