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International Journal of Surgery Case Reports


INTRODUCTION AND IMPORTANCE: Abdominal ectopic pregnancy (AEP) located at hepatic region and pelvic-wall ectopic pregnancy (EP) are rare entities, that provoking a potentially life-threatening condition. Due to insufficient data, a proper management of non-specific types remains a challenge for all gynecologists worldwide.

CASE PRESENTATION: Two child-bearing age women were hospitalized due to delayed menstruation and a urine pregnancy test was positive without a determination of intrauterine pregnancy. The first EP case was located at the pelvic wall which identified incidentally during laparoscopy for a presumed tubal ectopic pregnancy on ultrasonography throughout. The second EP case was found at the hepatic region due to intermittent pain rising from the right upper quadrant region and serial ultrasonic findings. In our management, both cases were successfully assessed by laparoscopy and laparotomy without requiring further intervention, respectively.

CLINICAL DISCUSSION: An accurate diagnosis of EP location at liver and pelvic wall is totally difficult since its uncommon location. An initial assessment should be based on clinical symptoms and the treatment remains controversial. The surgical management including laparotomy and laparoscopy depends on clinical evaluation, experience of surgeon, and interdisciplinary team. Thus, these abnormal sites of ectopic pregnancy ought to take into consideration for all gynecologists in an emergency condition with a major hemorrhage.

CONCLUSIONS: In reproductive age women, primary EP at liver and pelvic wall should be considered with high index of suspicion if intrauterine pregnancy is totally excluded. Timely diagnosis, rational management by surgical excision, and a multidisciplinary team can reduce substantially adverse outcomes.


Maternal mortality, Ectopic pregnancy, Laparoscopy, Laparotomy, Ultrasound



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