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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America


Channelrhodopsins with red-shifted absorption, rare in nature, are highly desired for optogenetics because light of longer wavelengths more deeply penetrates biological tissue. RubyACRs (Anion ChannelRhodopsins), a group of four closely related anion-conducting channelrhodopsins from thraustochytrid protists, are the most red-shifted channelrhodopsins known with absorption maxima up to 610 nm. Their photocurrents are large, as is typical of blue- and green-absorbing ACRs, but they rapidly decrease during continuous illumination (desensitization) and extremely slowly recover in the dark. Here, we show that long-lasting desensitization of RubyACRs results from photochemistry not observed in any previously studied channelrhodopsins. Absorption of a second photon by a photocycle intermediate with maximal absorption at 640 nm (P


channelrhodopsins, optogenetics, photochemistry, retinal proteins



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