Dissertations & Theses (Open Access)

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Marcia C. De Oliveira Otto

Second Advisor

Harvey Levin

Third Advisor

Jose-Miguel Yamal


Depending on a brain injury patient to accurately report their duration of unconsciousness and amnesia is clearly flawed. We constructed biomarker-based models to validate these self-reported measurements using a GCS 13-15 subset of participants from TRACK-TBI, a multi-institutional study on traumatic brain injury. Potential covariates were assessed for significant interactions with biomarker level. We report that the predictions of LOC and PTA failed. GFAP exhibited the most consistent serum level increase between categories of both LOC and PTA. Given a number of issues with the study sample, we recommend continued investigation on the prediction of LOC and PTA using a larger database.
