Journal Articles

Publication Date



International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction


Existing health messages mainly targeted youth susceptible to vaping or parents who do not have much knowledge about e-cigarettes. This study makes a unique contribution by conducting the first in-depth investigation of e-cigarette-using parents' risk perceptions and parental role modeling and how these two factors affect their vaping behaviors at home or implementation of any strategies to reduce their children's risk. Fifteen parents who used e-cigarettes participated in a semi-structured interview. Interview transcripts were coded and analyzed through a deductive approach of thematic analysis. This study demonstrates the need to develop and disseminate future health messages for e-cigarette-using parents who may have low-risk perceptions of secondhand exposure or who have adopted ineffective strategies to reduce their children's exposure. This study also identifies some possible targets for future intervention efforts through these parents including increasing their knowledge about the health risk of secondhand exposure to e-cigarettes, emphasizing the caregiver role, and effective communications with children about the consequences of vaping.


E-cigarette use, Secondhand exposure, Risk perception, Parenting, Qualitative research



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