Competency-based performance evaluation tool for Community Health Workers

Natalia D Rodriguez, The University of Texas School of Public Health


Community Health Workers (CHWs) are employed in the field of public health and are tasked with helping individuals and communities take better care of their health. In order to improve performance of these health workers and programs, evaluations tools are used to assess performance and outcomes. However, no tools currently exist for employers to use to measure performance of CHWs based on state training competencies. A review of the literature was conducted to assess what similar tools existed and what would be needed to create an evaluation tool. Three types of tools were included in the search because of the scarce number of CHW tools: CHW tools, Public Health Worker tools, and Social Health Worker tools. A conceptual model for improving health worker performance was also identified to aid in creating the tool. Adobe Forms program was used to create a performance evaluation tool to allow employers to evaluate each of their CHWs based on eight training competencies used in Texas. Limitations of the project included limited literature of CHW evaluation tools, self-evaluations, and scoring chosen. Future plans include having stakeholder groups evaluate to the tool, conducting a trial implementation, and after final adjustments and changes have been made, publication and dissemination of the CHW performance evaluation tool.

Subject Area

Public health

Recommended Citation

Rodriguez, Natalia D, "Competency-based performance evaluation tool for Community Health Workers" (2014). Texas Medical Center Dissertations (via ProQuest). AAI1568976.
