Oral Cryotherapy to Prevent Severe Oral Mucositis: A Quality Improvement Project

Date of Doctor of Nursing Practice Project Completion


Faculty Advisor

Dr. Padmavathy Ramaswamy


Oral Cryotherapy to Prevent Severe Oral Mucositis: A Quality Improvement Project

PURPOSE The purpose of this scholarly project was to decrease the incidence of severe oral mucositis in pediatric stem cell transplant patients receiving melphalan prior to stem cell transplantation. The interventions also intended to increase the knowledge of nursing staff in this unit.

BACKGROUND The project was implemented in a 9-bed stem cell transplant unit in a hospital in Fort Worth, Texas.

METHODOLOGY A charting reminder was built into the Epic charting system to remind nurses to administer oral cryotherapy during melphalan administration. Additionally, a pre and post education survey was created using the Qualtrics platform to assess nursing knowledge before and after a staff presentation. The Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) quality improvement method was used to continue to adjust the project interventions as needed.

RESULTS After the first Epic intervention went live, cryotherapy was received correctly during three out of five administrations of melphalan. After the PDSA cycle, the next four out of four administrations were done and documented correctly. Additionally, prior to education only 12% of nurses answered that they always administer cryotherapy during melphalan compared to the 93% who reported they always will after the education intervention.

IMPLICATIONS Using a multifaceted approach of education of nursing staff and a charting reminder that must be addressed prior to melphalan administration is a helpful way to ensure pediatric stem cell transplant patients receive the best, evidence-based care. Future quality improvement projects should focus on populations with baseline oral mucositis data to show an improvement over time.


Oral Cryotherapy, Oral Mucositis, Stem Cell Transplant, Melphalan

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