The Texas Medical Board is the body responsible for regulating medical practitioners in the state of Texas through examination, licensing, setting standards of practice, and, if necessary, disciplinar..
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The Texas Medical Board is the body responsible for regulating medical practitioners in the state of Texas through examination, licensing, setting standards of practice, and, if necessary, disciplinary action. Texas began regulating physicians in 1837 when Dr. Anson Jones, one of the few formally educated physicians in the state, wrote the Medical Practice Act. The Board of Medical Censors tested prospective physicians and granted licenses from 1837 until 1848. A new regulatory law for medical doctors was enacted in 1873 and the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners was formed in 1907. In 1993 the Board expanded to create the Texas State Board of Physician Assistant Examiners and the Texas State Board of Acupuncture Examiners. It was renamed the Texas Medical Board in 2005.
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