
Publication Date(s)
Handwritten Christmas greeting on Baptist Hospital letterhead, with Robert Jolly, Superintendent and Mrs. Robert Jolly, R.N., Superintendent of Nursing [Lillian Jolly] noted in header. [FRONT] Handwritten message in blue ink: "Xmas 1927 Dear Lucille B.R. - Another year has gone by and Xmas is here again. Your [conscientious?] attention to duty and your cheerful smile and sweet disposition are good to have around. You do us all good just to see you. You keep us out of the "dumps". ($5.00 gold coin) This little coin is not much and certainly does not express our appreciation [appreciation] adequately, but it is just a Xmas token to say Merry Xmas and Happy New Year. We wish you and your husband the best of everything for 1928. Your friends Mr. and Mrs. Jolly." [BACK] "1927" is written in blue ink, upper right corner. See more at href=""target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Lucile Baird Papers.
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Recommended Citation
Rogillo, Lucille Baird (1903-1992), "MS249: Christmas Greeting on Baptist Hospital Letterhead from Mr. and Mrs. Jolly to Lucile Baird" (1927). Lucile Baird Papers. 3.
Christmas cards, Letters, Commercial correspondence, Houston (Tex.), Robert Jolly, Lillian Irene Wilson Burnett Jolly, Lucile Baird Rogillio, Memorial Hospital System, Memorial Baptist Hospital, Lillie Jolly School of Nursing, correspondence
Digital copies made available by the Texas Medical Center Library