Faculty, Staff and Student Publications
Publication Date
BMC Biology
BACKGROUND: Through the evolution of novel wing structures, bats (Order Chiroptera) became the only mammalian group to achieve powered flight. This achievement preceded the massive adaptive radiation of bats into diverse ecological niches. We investigate some of the developmental processes that underlie the origin and subsequent diversification of one of the novel membranes of the bat wing: the plagiopatagium, which connects the fore- and hind limb in all bat species.
RESULTS: Our results suggest that the plagiopatagium initially arises through novel outgrowths from the body flank that subsequently merge with the limbs to generate the wing airfoil. Our findings further suggest that this merging process, which is highly conserved across bats, occurs through modulation of the programs controlling the development of the periderm of the epidermal epithelium. Finally, our results suggest that the shape of the plagiopatagium begins to diversify in bats only after this merging has occurred.
CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates how focusing on the evolution of cellular processes can inform an understanding of the developmental factors shaping the evolution of novel, highly adaptive structures.
Animals, Chiroptera, Flight, Animal, Mammals, Embryonic Development, Wings, Bats, Evolutionary developmental biology, Plagiopatagium, Wing membranes, Periderm
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Animals Commons, Bioinformatics Commons, Biomedical Informatics Commons, Medical Sciences Commons, Medical Specialties Commons
Supplementary Materials
PMID: 37143038