Faculty, Staff and Student Publications

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Surgical Neurology Internatoinal


BACKGROUND: Medically refractory epilepsy constitutes up to one-third of the epilepsy pediatric patients. Corpus callosotomy (CC) has been used for the treatment of medically refractory epilepsy in children with atonic seizures and generalized tonic-clonic (GTC) seizures. In this case series study, we are describing a novel technique for CC using the frameless navigation probe through a minicraniotomy.

METHODS: Thirteen pediatric patients with the diagnosis of medically refractory epilepsy predominantly GTC with drop attack who underwent extensive Phase I. An L-shape was done, then through a 4 × 3 cm craniotomy, we were able to open the interhemispheric fissure until the corpus callosum is visualized. The Stealth probe is then used to go down to the midline raphe which is followed anteriorly then traced posteriorly to the anterior border of the vein of Galen. Finally, the Stealth probe is used to confirm the completeness of the callosotomy.

RESULTS: The procedure was accomplished successfully with no intraoperative complications; mean surgical time is 3 h:07 m. The mean follow-up was 31.5 months. All patients achieved significant seizure control. No patients experienced worsening of their atonic seizures after surgery compared with their preoperative state; however, six patients achieved Engel Class I, four patients achieved Engel Class II, and three patients achieved Engel Class III.

CONCLUSION: Complete CC using a frameless navigation probe is a novel and effective technique for the treatment of medically refractory epilepsy with a very good surgical and seizure outcomes, minimal neurological morbidity, minimal blood loss, and short OR time.


Case series, Corpus callosotomy, Epilepsy, Frameless navigator probe, Navigator


PMID: 36600777

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