Student and Faculty Publications

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Frontiers in Public Health


BACKGROUND: HPV is responsible for most cervical, oropharyngeal, anal, vaginal, and vulvar cancers. The HPV vaccine has decreased cervical cancer incidence, but only 49% of Texas adolescents have initiated the vaccine. Texas shows great variation in HPV vaccination rates. We used geospatial analysis to identify areas with high and low vaccination rates and explored differences in neighborhood characteristics.

METHODS: Using Anselin's Local Moran's I statistic, we conducted an ecological analysis of hot and cold spots of adolescent HPV vaccination coverage in Texas from 2017 to 2021. Next, we utilized a Mann-Whitney U test to compare neighborhood characteristics of vaccination coverage in hot spots versus cold spots, leveraging data from the Child Opportunity Index (COI) and American Community Survey.

RESULTS: In Texas, there are 64 persistent vaccination coverage hotspots and 55 persistent vaccination coverage cold spots. The persistent vaccination coverage hot spots are characterized by ZIP codes with lower COI scores, higher percentages of Hispanic residents, higher poverty rates, and smaller populations per square mile compared to vaccine coverage cold spots. We found a more pronounced spatial clustering pattern for male adolescent vaccine coverage than we did for female adolescent vaccine coverage.

CONCLUSION: In Texas, HPV vaccination coverage rates differ depending on the community's income level, with lower-income areas achieving higher success rates. Notably, there are also gender-based discrepancies in vaccination coverage rates, particularly among male adolescents. This knowledge can aid advocates in customizing their outreach initiatives to address these disparities.


spatial analysis, HPV vaccination, vaccination disparities, cancer prevention, minority health, HPV, geospatial analysis, health care disparities


PMID: 38983249



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