

Arrival Cities are special urban places. Amid the largest migration in human history, they provide homes for large numbers of mobile, low-income, immigrant families. These families need new human service and child welfare service models. Collective parent engagement (CPE) is one such model. CPE is designed to build on the strengths and meet the needs of immigrant families living in Arrival City neighborhoods. In contrast to interventions focused on individual parents, this CPE model mobilizes groups of parents; and with a dual agenda. CPE develops much-needed “anchoring supports” for mobile, vulnerable families, at the same time that it positions local organizations to become welcoming, supportive, and resource-providing social settings for families on the move. Enhanced professional preparation and training programs, together with enhanced organizational and policy development, are needed to realize this important agenda.

Key Take Away Points

The current migration of families from rural to urban centers is the largest in human history.

Low-income immigrant families increasingly are drawn to urban dwellings called Arrival Cities.

Arrival Cities have the potential to serve as vibrant hubs for community development and well-being.

New interventions are needed to capitalize on the strengths and opportunities posed by immigrant families.

Collective Parent Engagement represents an emergent strategy for engaging immigrant families and developing needed anchor supports in Arrival City Neighborhoods.

Author Biography

Tania Alameda-Lawson, PhD is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Work, College of Community and Public Affairs at Binghamton University (SUNY), and is Co-Director of the Center for Best Practices in Full-Service Community Schools. Her current research interests include innovative designs for family and community engagement, full-service community schools, and inter-professional education and training programs.

Michael A. Lawson, PhD is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Human Development, College of Community and Public Affairs at Binghamton University (SUNY). His current research projects include innovative designs for student, family and community engagement, as well as mixed-method evaluations of school-based and community-based prevention programs.

Hal A. Lawson, PhD, is Professor in the Department of Educational Administration and Policy Studies as well as the School of Social Welfare at the University at Albany (SUNY). His current interests center on the development and evaluation of comprehensive models of school improvement, including school-based and linked health and social services, youth-led social services, youth-led school-community partnerships, and P-16 partnerships and planning councils.
