Baylor College of Medicine is a health sciences university that creates knowledge and applies science and discoveries to further education, healthcare and community service locally and globally. Learn more about our mission, vision and values.
Manuscripts submitted for publication (preprints), peer-reviewed pre-publication articles (postprints), and published articles from the faculty of Baylor College of Medicine are posted here with additional links to supplemental data.
Ranked 20th in the nation, and first in Texas since 2006 for obtaining National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding, Baylor College of Medicine received $687 million in total funding from 2,792 sponsored project awards in fiscal year 2023. Baylor operates more than 90 research and patient-care centers and units. BCM also operates more than 27 Advanced Technology Core Laboratories that provide services for studies in areas like metabolomics, proteomics, pathology, and genomics.
Submissions from 2023
Skp2-Mediated MLKL Degradation Confers Cisplatin-Resistant in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Cells, Huiling Zhou, Li Zhou, Qing Guan, et al.
Biochemical and Structural Characterization of the First-Discovered Metazoan DNA Cytosine-N4 Methyltransferase From the Bdelloid Rotifer Adineta vaga, Jujun Zhou, John R Horton, Gundeep Kaur, et al.
AI-Powered Discovery of a Novel p53-Y220C Reactivator, Shan Zhou, Dafei Chai, Xu Wang, et al.
Androgen-Regulated Stromal Complement Component 7 (C7) Suppresses Prostate Cancer Growth, Zhicheng Zhou, Deyong Jia, Ohjoon Kwon, et al.
Proteomics of Adjacent-to-Tumor Samples Uncovers Clinically Relevant Biological Events in Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Hongwen Zhu, Youpei Lin, Dayun Lu, et al.
Structure, Function, and Molecular Landscapes of the Aging Retina, Jeffrey D Zhu, Sharma Pooja Tarachand, Qudrat Abdulwahab, et al.
An Intrinsically Disordered Region Controlling Condensation of a Circadian Clock Component and Rhythmic Transcription in the Liver, Kun Zhu, Isaac J Celwyn, Dongyin Guan, et al.
Dynamics of Inflammatory Responses After SARS-CoV-2 Infection by Vaccination Status in the USA: A Prospective Cohort Study, Xianming Zhu, Kelly A Gebo, Alison G Abraham, et al.
Novel and Replicated Clinical and Genetic Risk Factors for Toxicity From High-Dose Methotrexate in Pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Mark Zobeck, M Brooke Bernhardt, Kala Y Kamdar, et al.
The Neurobiology of Duration of Untreated Psychosis: A Comprehensive Review, Anthony W Zoghbi, Jeffrey A Lieberman, and Ragy R Girgis
Electrical Stimulation To Regain Lower Extremity Muscle Perfusion and Endurance in Patients With Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS CoV-2: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Alejandro Zulbaran-Rojas, Myeounggon Lee, Rasha O Bara, et al.
Linked-Read Based Analysis of the Medulloblastoma Genome, Melissa Zwaig, Michael J Johnston, John J Y Lee, et al.
Submissions from 2022
A Novel Approach to the Removal of a Silastic Band via the Peroral Endoscopic Tunneling-Silastic Bandectomy Technique, Wasif M Abidi and Salmaan Jawaid
Scintillation Light Detection in the 6-m Drift-Length ProtoDUNE Dual Phase Liquid Argon TPC, A Abed Abud, B Abi, R Acciarri, et al.
Systematically Higher Ki67 Scores on Core Biopsy Samples Compared to Corresponding Resection Specimen in Breast Cancer: A Multi-operator and Multi-institutional Study, Balazs Acs, Samuel C Y Leung, Kelley M Kidwell, et al.
The Association of Baseline Plasma SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid Antigen Level and Outcomes in Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19, ACTIV-3/TICO Study Group, Angela J Rogers, Deborah Wentworth, et al.
Cell Plasticity in Regeneration in the Stomach and Beyond, Mahliyah Adkins-Threats and Jason C Mills
Factors Affecting Need for Blood Transfusion in Paediatric Patients Undergoing Open Surgery for Hip Dysplasia, Adam C Adler, Lisa A H Hensch, Brittany E Bryant, et al.
Heightened Levels of Plasma Growth Differentiation Factor 15 in Men Living With HIV, Neeti Agarwal, Claudia E Ramirez Bustamante, Huaizhu Wu, et al.
Risk Factors Associated With Patient-Reported Fatigue Among Long-Term Oropharyngeal Carcinoma Survivors, Puja Aggarwal, Katherine A Hutcheson, Ryan P Goepfert, et al.
Genetic Susceptibility to Patient-Reported Xerostomia Among Long-Term Oropharyngeal Cancer Survivors, Puja Aggarwal, Katherine A Hutcheson, Robert Yu, et al.
Glutathione Peroxidase 2 Is a Metabolic Driver of the Tumor Immune Microenvironment and Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Response, Kazi Mokim Ahmed, Ratna Veeramachaneni, Defeng Deng, et al.
Identifying Bone Matrix Impairments in a Mouse Model of Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1) by Clinically Translatable Techniques, Rafay Ahmed, Sasidhar Uppuganti, Shrey Derasari, et al.
Nuclear Progesterone Receptor Expressed by the Cortical Thymic Epithelial Cells Dictates Thymus Involution in Murine Pregnancy, Soo Hyun Ahn, Sean L Nguyen, Tae Hoon Kim, et al.
CRISPR/Cas13 Effectors Have Differing Extents of Off-Target Effects That Limit Their Utility in Eukaryotic Cells, Yuxi Ai, Dongming Liang, and Jeremy E Wilusz