Analysis of Baseline for a School-Based Plate-Waste Study Focused on Fruit and Vegetable Intake

Travis Rea Croom, The University of Texas School of Public Health


This paper sought to provide a snapshot of food waste via the school lunch line. In coordination with the implementation of a fruit and vegetable access intervention, this paper analyzes the data recovered from the baseline measurement of a larger plate waste parent study. Differing means of analysis and comparison were use to paint an accurate picture of plate waste at three economically disadvantaged Texas elementary schools among 5th grade elementary students. This paper used secondary data analysis of cross-sectional baseline data collected as part of a larger evaluation to assess the impact of Brighter Bites, a school-based dietary intervention, on F&V waste at school lunch. The parent study is a non-randomized controlled plate waste evaluation study conducted in the 2017-2018 school year using a repeated measures, pre-post evaluation design. This study found that schools with greater variety in fruits and vegetables served had less waste than schools with less variety. In addition, a list was compiled of what was most consumed and what was least consumed to be handed over to school nutrition services as apart of the mutually beneficial relationship this study fostered between researchers and area independent school districts.

Subject Area

Behavioral psychology|Nutrition

Recommended Citation

Croom, Travis Rea, "Analysis of Baseline for a School-Based Plate-Waste Study Focused on Fruit and Vegetable Intake" (2018). Texas Medical Center Dissertations (via ProQuest). AAI10929587.
