Doctor of Nursing Practice Projects 2018-2023

Management of Iatrogenic Withdrawal Syndrome (IWS) in the Pediatric Patient to Reduce Length of Stay (Driving Detox)

Management of Iatrogenic Withdrawal Syndrome (IWS) in the Pediatric Patient to Reduce Length of Stay (Driving Detox)

Wendy Quiroz Nasser DNP, Cizik UTHealth School of Nursing


PURPOSE: Driving Detox, a revision of the current hospital sedation weaning guideline, introduced the Withdrawal Assessment Tool-1 (WAT-1) to incorporate multidisciplinary collaboration in the assessment, prevention, and treatment of IWS for WAT-1 scores greater than or equal to 3. The overall goal is to decreases unit length of stay (LOS) and transition to a nurse-driven benzodiazepine and opioid weaning protocol supported by WAT-1 scores.