Author Biographical Info

Amanda M. Rodriguez is a graduate of UT Health Houston and is board-certified by the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. With over a decade of experience as an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse, she has extensive experience working with and advocating for underserved populations. Her expertise lies in providing comprehensive and empathetic healthcare, with a focus on developing personalized treatment plans.

Date of Doctor of Nursing Practice Project Completion


Faculty Advisor

Dr. Lisa Thomas


Implementation of same day cervical cancer and chlamydia screening in a university clinic setting

PURPOSE The purpose of this quality improvement project was to implement a screening questionnaire in a university student health center to increase the rates of up-to-date cervical cancer and chlamydia screening.

BACKGROUND The project was implemented at a university-based student health center with a student population of 31,559 with 60.3% of the population being female.

METHODOLOGY A screening questionnaire regarding pap smear results and last chlamydia testing was developed for all female students age 18-65 to complete at check in for their appointments. Medical staff were provided education on counseling patients on the importance of up-to-date cervical cancer and chlamydia screening which was utilized when reviewing completed questionnaires. Patients were given the opportunity to provide up to date results and participate in same day screening at the time of their visit. 2 PDSA cycles were implemented to improve study dissemination.

RESULTS Post project up to date cervical cancer screening rates were 37.5% up from 21.5% pre project. This is a 16% increase in up-to-date cervical cancer screening. Post project up to date chlamydia screenings were 36% down from 40%. While chlamydia screening did fall below pre project rates the rate of cervical cancer screening increased by 16%.

IMPLICATIONS Implementation of a screening questionnaire aimed at capturing data on up-to-date cervical cancer and chlamydia screening when combined with offering same day screening helps improve rates of up-to-date screenings being captured. This helps improve overall health of patients and improves quality improvement measures for reimbursement purposes.


cervical cancer screening, chlamydia screening, student health center, same day screening, university, college, pap smear, chlamydia, health center, papanicolaou

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Nursing Commons



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