

Background: Intersectionality is a theoretical framework that contextualizes an individual’s experience as more than the sum of their cultural identifiers.

Aims: The current study investigates the effect of a 10-week intersectionality curriculum supplemented with student-led discussions on medical students’ self-efficacy in addressing bias and health inequity.

Methods: First- and second-year medical students volunteered to participate in a ten-week pilot elective entitled “Intersectionality in Medicine.” Participants enrolled in the course were required to complete a ten-minute online pre-elective and post-elective survey.

Results: Results showed that after completing the elective, medical students were significantly more confident in identifying their personal biases, assessing the needs of low socioeconomic status populations, increased ability to find relevant resources for different ethnic/cultural groups, and identifying microaggressions that occur in the healthcare setting.

Conclusions: This research highlights how using intersectionality as a framework for understanding and addressing health inequity can create greater awareness and self-perceived efficacy in medical students. Collectively, this research has implications for medical school curricula and training students for a diverse patient population.
