

This article provides a brief overview of the Family-Directed Structural Assessment Tool which is a strengths-based, family-driven assessment tool that has been developed during the last 10 years. A discussion of its application in a therapeutic family camp setting, a traditional outpatient clinic, a residential treatment environment, and a child welfare setting follows. Finally, implications for strengths-based family work and current projects are addressed.

Key Take Away Points

  • Readers will be introduced to the Family-Directed Structural Assessment
  • Readers will gain an understanding of ways in which the assessment tool has been implemented in a variety of service provision settings
  • Readers will learn about current Family-Directed Structural Assessment Tool projects

Author Biography

Tara McLendon is an assistant professor at Northern Kentucky University and has been an integral part of the development of the Family-Directed Structural Assessment Tool during the last 10 years.

Responses to this Article:

Roger S. Friedman, Commentary on "Family-Directed Structural Therapy: Ten Years of Building on Family Strengths" (December 2013)
