For 50 years, The Texas Heart Institute Journal has been published by The Texas Heart Institute as part of its medical education program. Our continuously published, peer-reviewed journal enjoys a global audience of physicians, scientists, and healthcare professionals who are contributing to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cardiovascular disease. Beginning in 2023, the official name is The Texas Heart Institute Journal.

Historically, The Journal was printed under the name of Cardiovascular Diseases from 1974 through 1981 (ISSN 0093-3546). The name was changed to Texas Heart Institute Journal in 1982 and was printed through 2013 (ISSN 0730-2347). In 2014, The Journal moved to online-only publication. The Journal is indexed by Index Medicus/MEDLINE and by other indexing and abstracting services worldwide. Our full archive is available at PubMed Central.

As of July 15, 2023, The Texas Heart Institute Journal is a fully Open Access publication that enables authors to retain copyright under an appropriate Creative Commons license (CC BY or CC BY-NC). This collection showcases a small selection of the journal archive from 2011- current.


Submissions from 2017


Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation in a Patient with Unicuspid Aortic Valve, Angelo Nascimbene, Pranav Loyalka, Igor D Gregoric, et al.


Transcatheter Tricuspid Valve-in-Valve Replacement with an Edwards Sapien 3 Valve, Pranav Loyalka, Angelo Nascimbene, Benjamin Metz, et al.


Unproven Stem Cell-Based Interventions: Advancing Policy through Stakeholder Collaboration, Kirstin R W Matthews and Ana S Iltis


What Makes a Medical Journal Successful? Five Crucial Components, Herbert L Fred


White Blood Cell Subtypes Are Associated with a Greater Long-Term Risk of Death after Acute Myocardial Infarction, Arthur Shiyovich, Harel Gilutz, and Ygal Plakht

Submissions from 2016


Advanced Interventional Therapy for Radiation-Induced Cardiovascular Disease, Daisy C Nieto


Advancing a Guiding Catheter Across a Mechanical Aortic Valve, Wassim Shatila and Guilherme V Silva


Alternative Surgical Approach to Repairing a Giant Sinus of Valsalva Aneurysm, Vincenzo Giambruno, Cristina Cucchietti, Calogera Pisano, et al.


Aortic Dissection Caused by Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: 2 New Case Reports and Detailed Analysis of 86 Previous Cases, Priyank Shah, Sharad Bajaj, and Fayez Shamoon


Aspirin Resistance Predicts Adverse Cardiovascular Events in Patients with Symptomatic Peripheral Artery Disease, Tilak Pasala, Jennifer Soo Hoo, Mary Kate Lockhart, et al.


Association between High Endocardial Unipolar Voltage and Improved Left Ventricular Function in Patients with Ischemic Cardiomyopathy., Ki Park, Dejian Lai, Eileen M Handberg, et al.


Bioprosthetic Aortic Valve Endocarditis in Association with Enterococcus durans, Luca Fallavollita, Lorena Di Gioacchino, and Fabrizio Balestrini


Biventricular Myocardial Performance Is Impaired in Proportion to Severity of Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Selahattin Akyol, Mustafa Cortuk, Ahmet Oytun Baykan, et al.


Cardiac Papillary Fibroelastoma: Single-Institution Experience with 14 Surgical Patients, Walid K Abu Saleh, Odeaa Al Jabbari, Basel Ramlawi, et al.


Catheter Ablation of Ventricular Tachycardia: Moving Beyond Palliation, Nilesh Mathuria


Comparative Efficacy of Nebivolol and Metoprolol to Prevent Tachycardia-Induced Cardiomyopathy in a Porcine Model, Alireza Nazeri, MacArthur A Elayda, Ana Maria Segura, et al.


Coronary-Cameral Fistula Caused by Guidewire Trauma and Resolved by Coil Embolization, Suvro Banerjee and Soumya Patra


Cutting the Cost of Health Care: The Physician's Role, Herbert L Fred


Durability of the Starr-Edwards Heart Valve: Early Decisions Led to Successful Results, Albert Starr and Gary L Grunkemeier


Emergency Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting: Indications and Outcomes from 2003 through 2013, Erin M Schumer, John H Chaney, Jaimin R Trivedi, et al.


Endocarditis and Incomplete Endothelialization 12 Years after Amplatzer Septal Occluder Deployment, Allan K Nguyen, Brian A Palafox, Joanne P Starr, et al.


Endovascular Treatment of Superior Vena Cava Syndrome via Balloon-in-Balloon Catheter Technique with a Palmaz Stent, Wassim Shatila, Abdelkader Almanfi, Mehran Massumi, et al.


"Eyeing" the Cause of Heart Failure: Visible Telltale Clues, Herbert L Fred and Manoj Thangam


Fresh Autologous Pericardium to Reconstruct the Pulmonary Valve at the Annulus When Tetralogy of Fallot Requires a Transannular Patch at Midterm, Shantanu Pande, Jugal K Sharma, C R Siddartha, et al.


Longitudinal Changes in Vascular Risk Markers and Mortality Rates among a Latino Population with Hypertension, Matthew C Pflederer, Carlin S Long, Brenda Beaty, et al.