Faculty, Staff and Student Publications
Open-Access journal articles from the UTHealth School of Dentistry students and faculty in the Texas Medical Center from 1985 to present.
Submit Research from 2010
Bond Strength of Adhesives to Dentin Contaminated with Smoker's Saliva, Lilliam M Pinzon, Makoto Oguri, Kathy O'Keefe, et al.
Submit Research from 2009
GSTM1 and GSTT1 Null Polymorphisms and Risk of Salivary Gland Carcinoma, Sayaka Kondo, Erich M. Sturgis, Fanglin Li, et al.
Collagenous Myofibroblastic Tumor of The Mandible: Case Report of A Unique Locally Aggressive Neoplasm, Jason W. Nash, Amy C. Hessel, Nadarajah Vigneswaran, et al.
Comparative Efficacy of 2 topical Anesthetics For The Placement of Orthodontic Temporary Anchorage Devices, Derek S Reznik, Arthur H Jeske, Jung-Wei Chen, et al.
Incidental Detection of An Occult Oral Malignancy with Autofluorescence Imaging: A Case Report, Nadarajah Vigneswaran, Sheila Koh, and Ann Gillenwater
Submit Research from 2008
The Performance of Human Papillomavirus High-Risk Dna Testing In The Screening and Diagnostic Settings, Marylou Cárdenas-Turanzas, Graciela M Nogueras-Gonzalez, Michael E Scheurer, et al.
Shear Bond Strength of Four Different Esthetic Brackets, Gustavo A. Salas, Jeryl D. English, Anna M. Salas, et al.
Myositis Ossificans Circumscripta of The Buccinator Muscle: First Report of A Rare Complication of Mandibular Third Molar Extraction, Raymond L Wiggins, David Thurber, Kenneth Abramovitch, et al.
Submit Research from 2007
Funding Crisis In Title VII Diversity Programs, Paula N O'Neill and Alvin H Strelnick
Absolute Quantitative Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction For The Measurement of Human Papillomavirus E7 mRNA In Cervical Cytobrush Specimens, Michael E. Scheurer, Laura M. Dillon, Zhuo Chen, et al.
Repression of Tumor Necrosis Factor-Related Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand (Trail) But Not Its Receptors During Oral Cancer Progression, Nadarajah Vigneswaran, Darryl C. Baucum, Jean Wu, et al.
Epstein-Barr Virus Infection of Langerhans Cell Precursors As A Mechanism of Oral Epithelial Entry, Persistence, and Reactivation, Dennis M. Walling, Autumn J. Ray, Joan E. Nichols, et al.
Submit Research from 2005
Comparison of Accuracy Captured By Different Controlled Languages In Oral Pathology Diagnoses, Jung-Wei Chen, Catherine Flaitz, and Todd Johnson
Submit Research from 2004
Noninvasive Assessment of Diffusion Hypoxia Following Administration of Nitrous Oxide-Oxygen, Arthur H. Jeske, Clark W. Whitmire, Chris Freels, et al.
Depressed Type 1 Cytokine Synthesis By Superantigen-Activated Cd4+ T Cells of Women with Human Papillomavirus-Related High-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions, Bang-Ning Lee, Michele Follen, De-Yu Shen, et al.
Submit Research from 2002
Oral Pathology Report System: Improving An Existing Database System, Yanko Michea, Jung-Wei Chen, Yang Xing, et al.
Submit Research from 2001
Persistent Productive Epstein‐Barr Virus Replication In Normal Epithelial Cells In Vivo, Dennis M. Walling, Catherine M. Flaitz, C. Mark Nichols, et al.
Submit Research from 1999
A Cbfa1-Dependent Genetic Pathway Controls Bone Formation Beyond Embryonic Development, P Ducy, M Starbuck, M Priemel, et al.
Submit Research from 1998
Isolation of Lautropia Mirabilis From Oral Cavities of Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Children, S. N. Rossmann, P. H. Wilson, J. Hicks, et al.
Submit Research from 1992
The Future of Dental Education, D L Allen
Submit Research from 1990
Identification and Characterization of The Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 Gene Encoding The Essential Capsid Protein ICP32/VP19c, S P Yei, S I Chowdhury, B M Bhat, et al.
Submit Research from 1985
Double-Blind Comparison of Rectally Administered Diazepam to Placebo For Pediatric Sedation: The Cardiovascular Response, Catherine M. Flaitz, Arthur J. Nowak, and M. John Hicks
Deflection of Conventional Versus Nondeflecting Dental Needles In Vitro, Arthur H. Jeske and Bryan F. Boshart