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International Journal of Molecular Sciences


The increase of vascular arginase activity during aging causes endothelial dysfunction. This enzyme competes with the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) for L-arginine substrate. Our hypothesis is that glucose 6-P dehydrogenase (G6PD) overexpression could improve the endothelial function modulating the arginase pathway in aorta from mice. For this study, three groups of male mice were used: young wild type (WT) (6-9 months), old WT (21-22 months) and old G6PD-Tg (21-22 months) mice. Vascular reactivity results showed a reduced acetylcholine-dependent relaxation in the old WT but not old G6PD-Tg group. Endothelial dysfunction was reverted by nor-NOHA, an arginase inhibitor. Mice overexpressing G6PD underexpressed arginase II and also displayed a lower activity of this enzyme. Moreover, histological analyses demonstrated that age causes a thickness of aortic walls, but this did not occur in G6PD-Tg mice. We conclude that the overexpressing G6PD mouse is a model to improve vascular health via the arginase pathway.


arginase, nitric oxide, vascular reactivity, aging, G6PD, aorta


PMID: 36835034



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