Prevention of pressure injuries (PIs) in pediatric patients is an important nurse-sensitive quality goal. The PI rate at a large urban pediatric hospital triggered a call to action by the Chief Nursing Officer to establish a Hospital Acquired PI (HAPI) Task Force which identified the Skin Champion program as a key improvement strategy. The goals of the Skin Champion program are to lower the rate of HAPIs, empower front line care providers to implement evidence-based care bundles, achieve consistency of practice, and provide resource availability at the point of care. The implementation of the Skin Champion quality improvement program achieved an 85% reduction in severe harm and “reportable" HAPI incidence, which is lower than the HAPI national average in pediatric patients (Solutions for Patient Safety, 2018), and an increase in nurse compliance with the HAPI prevention bundle. The HAPI incidence rate has remained near 0.05 per 1000 patient days.
Recommended Citation
Luton, A., Gordon, M. D., Stewart, M., Steward-Scott, E., Mullen, J., Jones, A., & Hagan, J. (2018). Evidence-Based Skin Champion Program Reduces Pressure Injuries in a Pediatric Hospital. Journal of Nursing & Interprofessional Leadership in Quality & Safety, 2 (1). Retrieved from https://digitalcommons.library.tmc.edu/uthoustonjqualsafe/vol2/iss1/2