Editor-in-Chief: Salih Selek, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

Teaching in Clinics is an open-access, peer-reviewed online academic journal uniquely focused on medical education. Broadly covered topics include both undergraduate (UME) and graduate medical education (GME), andragogy, patient education or psychoeducation, innovations in learning, health and teaching policies, data driven applications of teaching and learning methods, diversity and inclusion, spreading excellence in clinical practice and medical quality education.

Teaching in Clinics aims to serve as a discussion floor for people from different backgrounds such as education, medicine, sociology, public health and especially psychology of education. If you have questions about the submission or review process, please contact the editor for assistance.

Call for Articles

The journal is now accepting articles!

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Recent Content


Patient-Reported Value of a Standardized Welcome Letter for Huntington Disease Clinic
Kirthan S. Reddy, Shayan Abdollah Zadegan, Jorge Patino, Frank Ramirez, Amber McCarthy, Natalia Pessoa Rocha, and Erin Furr Stimming


The Effect of an Intersectionality Elective on the Perceived Self-Efficacy of Medical Students in Addressing Health Inequity
Patrick Rollo, Noel Higgason, Kaitlyn Stark, Amina Aslam, Mason Motakef, Olivia Kerr, and Asia McCleary-Gaddy


Characteristics of Academic Anesthesiologist’s Elected to an Institutional Academy of Master Educators
Evan G. Pivalizza, Sara Guzman-Reyes, Christopher Stephens, Rhashedah A. Ekeoduru, Omonele O. Nwokolo, Katherine C. Normand, Srikanth Sridhar, Travis H. Markham, Johanna B. DeHaan, George Williams, and Gary C. Rosenfeld