Journal of Digital Psychiatry | McGovern Medical School | The Texas Medical Center Library
Editor-in-Chief: Salih Selek, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

The Journal of Digital Psychiatry is an open-access, peer-reviewed online academic journal uniquely focused on digital mental health including digital technologies and analyses. Broadly covered topics include mental health apps, electronic health records (EHR) systems, machine learning algorithms, affective computing, informatics, health data science, telemedicine/telepsychiatry and medical device development related with psychiatry.

Journal of Digital Psychiatry aims to serve as a discussion floor for people from different backgrounds such as bioinformatics, engineering, medicine, especially psychiatry and various aspects of mental health. If you have questions about the submission or review process, please contact the editor for assistance.

Call for Articles

The journal is now accepting articles!

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Current Issue: Volume 1, Issue 1 (2022)

Original Article


Feasibility of Cell Phone Surveys in People with Mental Illness Experiencing Homelessness During COVID-19
Tina Thomas, Namrata Walia, Landon Presnall, Jasper Shei, and Jane Elizabeth Hamilton

Editorial and News