The John P. McGovern Collection of Texas Historical Medical Documents have been fully processed and digitized, and a finding aid is available.
This collection, donated by Dr. John P. McGovern, includes medical ledgers, bills, apothecary receipts, legal documents, colonization contracts, a book about effects of climate and weather changes on disease and death, correspondence, legislative and government records, official government seals, Republic-era currency, and more!
All historical documents in this collection have been digitized and can be viewed and accessed John P. McGovern, MD Collection of Texas Historical Medical Documents. The records in this collection were created primarily by Texas-based physicians and surgeons during the pre-Republic era to the beginning of the 20th century, making it the oldest collection of historical documents in the McGovern Historical Center.
For additional questions about this collection, contact an archivist at 713-799-7145, 713-799-7165 or
Submissions from 1846
MS021: Probate Claim, Frank Godin
MS021: Receipt For Medical Services Rendered To Enslaved Woman, E Varney
Submissions from 1845
MS021: Probate Claim, Lorenzo Bragg
MS021: Probate Claim, Thomas H. Crutcher
MS021: Ledger Of Medical Services, Prescriptions Provided, M G. Durham
MS021: Treasury Warrant, Anson Jones (1798-1858)
MS021: Probate Court Order Appointing Estate Administrator, Levi Jones (1792-1878) and John T.K. Lothrop (1814-1844)
MS021: Probate Claim, John P. Key
MS021: Receipt for Purchase of Cedar Lumber, Nicholas Descomps Labadie (1802-1867)
MS021: Land Grant, John P. McGovern
MS021: Republic Of Texas General Land Offices Official Seal, Simpson Scott
MS021: Republic Of Texas State Department Payable Note For Advancements Made On Postage, Ashbel Smith
Submissions from 1844
MS021: Revised Receipt of Land Partition, Joseph Henry Barnard (1804-1861)
MS021: Treasury Warrant, Joseph Henry Barnard (1804-1861)
MS021: Probate Claim, James Dickson
MS021: Account of Paid Medical Services Rendered, J. R. Gardiner
MS021: Receipt For Unpaid Medical Services Rendered, R Watson
MS021: Receipt For Medical Services Rendered, John R. Weir
Submissions from 1843
MS021: Probate Claim, W L. Adkins
MS021: Order Granting Partition Of Estate Property, Joseph Henry Barnard (1804-1861)
MS021: Receipt for Medical Services, Medications, John D. Grosebeck (1816-1856)
MS021: Ledger of Medical Services, Medications Rendered, Samuel Garner Haynie (1806-1877)
MS021: Treasury Warrant, George Washington Hill (1814-1860)
MS021: Document Certifying Medical Services and Treatment Provided to Enslaved Persons, John T. Patterson
MS021: Ledger of Medical Services, Treatments Rendered, Robert Peebles (1798-1852)