Faculty, Staff and Student Publications
Publication Date
Applied and Environmental Microbiology
The study of fusobacterial virulence factors has dramatically benefited from the creation of various genetic tools for DNA manipulation, including galK-based counterselection for in-frame deletion mutagenesis in Fusobacterium nucleatum, which was recently developed. However, this method requires a host lacking the galK gene, which is an inherent limitation. To circumvent this limitation, we explored the possibility of using the hicA gene that encodes a toxin consisting of a HicAB toxin-antitoxin module in Fusobacterium periodonticum as a new counterselective marker. Interestingly, the full-length hicA gene is not toxic in F. nucleatum, but a truncated hicA gene version lacking the first six amino acids is functional as a toxin. The toxin expression is driven by an rpsJ promoter and is controlled at its translational level by using a theophylline-responsive riboswitch unit. As a proof of concept, we created markerless in-frame deletions in the fusobacterial adhesin radD gene within the F. nucleatum rad operon and the tnaA gene that encodes the tryptophanase for indole production. After vector integration, plasmid excision after counterselection appeared to have occurred in 100% of colonies grown on theophylline-added plates and resulted in in-frame deletions in 50% of the screened isolates. This hicA-based counterselection system provides a robust and reliable counterselection in wild-type background F. nucleatum and should also be adapted for use in other bacteria.
IMPORTANCE Fusobacterium nucleatum is an indole-producing human oral anaerobe associated with periodontal diseases, preterm birth, and several cancers. Little is known about the mechanisms of fusobacterial pathogenesis and associated factors, mainly due to the lack of robust genetic tools for this organism. Here, we showed that a mutated hicA gene from Fusobacterium periodonticum expresses an active toxin and was used as a counterselection marker. This hicA-based in-frame deletion system efficiently creates in-frame deletion mutations in the wild-type background of F. nucleatum. This is the first report to use the hicA gene as a counterselection marker in a bacterial genetic study.
Infant, Newborn, Humans, Female, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Theophylline, Premature Birth, Mutation, Toxins, Biological, HicA, toxin-antitoxin, counterselection marker, Fusobacterium nucleatum, in-frame deletion system
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Bioinformatics Commons, Biomedical Informatics Commons, Medical Immunology Commons, Medical Microbiology Commons, Oncology Commons
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PMID: 37039662