Student and Faculty Publications

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Although high-risk human papillomavirus infection is a well-established risk factor for cervical cancer, other co-factors within the local microenvironment may play an important role in the development of cervical cancer. The current study aimed to characterize the cervicovaginal microbiota in women with premalignant dysplasia or invasive cervical cancer compared with that of healthy women. The study comprised 120 Ethiopian women (60 cervical cancer patients who had not received any treatment, 25 patients with premalignant dysplasia, and 35 healthy women). Cervicovaginal specimens were collected using either an Isohelix DNA buccal swab or an Evalyn brush, and ribosomal RNA sequencing was used to characterize the cervicovaginal microbiota. Shannon and Simpson diversity indices were used to evaluate alpha diversity. Beta diversity was examined using principal coordinate analysis of weighted UniFrac distances. Alpha diversity was significantly higher in patients with cervical cancer than in patients with dysplasia and in healthy women (


Ethiopia, Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital, high-risk HPV, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, cervical microbiota



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