Faculty, Staff and Student Publications

Faculty, Staff and Student Publications


Open-access full-text journal articles of faculty, staff and students from McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston from 1999-present.


Submissions from 2009


Cardiolipin Biosynthesis and Remodeling Enzymes Are Altered During Development of Heart Failure, Harjot K Saini-Chohan, Michael G Holmes, Adam J Chicco, et al.


Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Multiple Sclerosis, Balasrinivasa R Sajja, Jerry S Wolinsky, and Ponnada A Narayana


Sequencing of TGF-β Pathway Genes In Familial Cases of Intracranial Aneurysm, Teresa Santiago-Sim, Sumy Mathew-Joseph, Hariyadarshi Pannu, et al.


Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma In A Patient With Situs Inversus: A Case Report of This Rare Coincidence, Eric L Sceusi and Curtis J Wray


A Family of Fibrinogen-Binding MSCRAMMs From Enterococcus Faecalis, Jouko Sillanpää, Sreedhar R Nallapareddy, Janeu Houston, et al.


Distribution of Genes Encoding MSCRAMMs and Pili in Clinical and Natural Populations of Enterococcus faecium, Jouko Sillanpää, Vittal P Prakash, Sreedhar R Nallapareddy, et al.


Timely Follow-Up of Abnormal Diagnostic Imaging Test Results In An Outpatient Setting: Are Electronic Medical Records Achieving Their Potential?, Hardeep Singh, Eric J Thomas, Shrinidi Mani, et al.


Impact of Medications Prescribed for Treatment of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder on Physical Growth in Children and Adolescents With HIV, Patricia A Sirois, Grace Montepiedra, Suad Kapetanovic, et al.


Interlinked Dual-Time Feedback Loops Can Enhance Robustness To Stochasticity and Persistence of Memory, Paul Smolen, Douglas A Baxter, and John H Byrne


Mutation Analysis of the PVRL1 Gene in Caucasians with Nonsyndromic Cleft Lip/Palate, Mehmet A Sözen, Jacqueline T Hecht, and Richard A Spritz


Mutation and Association Analysis of the Pvr and PVRL2 Genes in Patients With Non-Syndromic Cleft Lip and Palate, Mehmet A Sözen, Jacqueline T Hecht, and Richard A Spritz


Do Binucleate Cardiomyocytes Have A Role In Myocardial Repair? Insights Using Isolated Rodent Myocytes and Cell Culture, Michael J Stephen, Brian J Poindexter, Johan A Moolman, et al.


Opioid Dependence Treatment: Options In Pharmacotherapy, Angela L Stotts, Carrie L Dodrill, and Thomas R Kosten


Ultrasound Feedback and Motivational Interviewing Targeting Smoking Cessation In The Second and Third Trimesters of Pregnancy, Angela L Stotts, Janet Y Groff, Mary M Velasquez, et al.


Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy During Methadone Dose Reduction: Rationale, Treatment Description, and A Case Report, Angela L Stotts, Akihiko Masuda, and Kelly Wilson


Ketamine-Induced Hepatoprotection: The Role of Heme Oxygenase-1, James W Suliburk, Jeremy L Ward, Kenneth S Helmer, et al.


Continuum of Depressive and Manic Mixed States In Patients With Bipolar Disorder: Quantitative Measurement and Clinical Features, Alan C Swann, Joel L Steinberg, Marijn Lijffijt, et al.


Intracranial Eeg Reveals A Time- and Frequency-Specific Role For The Right Inferior Frontal Gyrus and Primary Motor Cortex In Stopping Initiated Responses, Nicole Swann, Nitin Tandon, Ryan Canolty, et al.


Deep Gray Matter Atrophy In Multiple Sclerosis: A Tensor Based Morphometry, Guozhi Tao, Sushmita Datta, Renjie He, et al.


Synaptic Inputs to Displaced Intrinsically-Photosensitive Ganglion Cells in Macaque Retina, Guozhi Tao, Renjie He, Sushmita Datta, et al.


Further Characterization of the epa Gene Cluster and Epa Polysaccharides of Enterococcus faecalis, Fang Teng, Kavindra V Singh, Agathe Bourgogne, et al.


Body Weight, Insulin Resistance, and Serum Adipokine Levels 2 Years After 2 Types of Bariatric Surgery, Michael A Trakhtenbroit, Joshua G Leichman, Mohamed F Algahim, et al.


Phase I Clinical Trials In 56 Patients With Thyroid Cancer: The M D Anderson Cancer Center Experience, Apostolia Maria Tsimberidou, Christos Vaklavas, Sijin Wen, et al.


Cost-Effectiveness of Universal Prophylaxis In Pregnancy With Prior Group B Streptococci Colonization, Mark A Turrentine, Mildred M Ramirez, and Joan M Mastrobattista


Advances In Progenitor Cell Therapy Using Scaffolding Constructs For Central Nervous System Injury, Peter A Walker, Kevin R Aroom, Fernando Jimenez, et al.