Faculty, Staff and Student Publications

Faculty, Staff and Student Publications


Open-access full-text journal articles of faculty, staff and students from McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston from 1999-present.


Submissions from 2023


Identification of Distinct Impacts of Covs Inactivation On The Transcriptome of Acapsular Group A Streptococci, Sruti DebRoy, William C Shropshire, Luis Vega, et al.


Safety of Multiple Intravenous Infusions of Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells For Hospitalized Cases of Covid-19: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Constanza de Dios, Ridhima Vij, Hosu Kim, et al.


Interpersonal Stress and Proinflammatory Activity In Emerging Adults With A History of Suicide Risk: A Pilot Study, Annamarie B Defayette, Christianne Esposito-Smythers, Ian Cero, et al.


A Conceptual Framework for Nomenclatural Stability and Validity of Medically Important Fungi: A Proposed Global Consensus Guideline for Fungal Name Changes Supported By ABP, ASM, CLSI, ECMM, ESCMID-EFISG, EUCAST-AFST, FDLC, IDSA, ISHAM, MMSA, and MSGERC, Sybren de Hoog, Thomas J Walsh, Sarah A Ahmed, et al.


The Rsph4A Gene In Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia, Wilfredo De Jesús-Rojas, Jesús Meléndez-Montañez, José Muñiz-Hernández, et al.


Bronchiectasis Assessment In Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia: A Non-Invasive Approach Using Forced Oscillation Technique, Wilfredo De Jesús-Rojas, Luis Reyes-Peña, José Muñiz-Hernández, et al.


Spatial and Temporal Organization of The Genome: Current State and Future Aims of The 4D Nucleome Project, Job Dekker, Frank Alber, Sarah Aufmkolk, et al.


Analysis of Nurse and Patient Preferences For Pre-Filled Pen Devices For Self-Injection of Highly Purified Human Menopausal Gonadotropin (Hp-Hmg, Menopur®), Guy De Mesmaeker, Brigitte Calles, and Judith A Smith


An Intervention Mapping Approach To Developing A Stroke Literacy Video For Recent Stroke Survivors: Development and Usability Study, Mary Carter Denny, Andrea Ancer Leal, Tahani Casameni Montiel, et al.


Effect of Intravenous Golimumab on Fatigue and the Relationship with Clinical Response in Adults with Active Ankylosing Spondylitis in the Phase 3 GO-ALIVE Study, Atul Deodhar, Natalie J Shiff, Cinty Gong, et al.


Alternative Splicing of Ceacam1 By Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1Α Enhances Tolerance To Hepatic Ischemia In Mice and Humans, Kenneth J Dery, Hidenobu Kojima, Shoichi Kageyama, et al.


Effect of Sirolimus On Insulin Dynamics In Horses, Demia J de Tonnerre, Carlos E Medina Torres, Darko Stefanovski, et al.


Identification of Bradycardia Following Remdesivir Administration Through the US Food and Drug Administration American College of Medical Toxicology COVID-19 Toxic Pharmacovigilance Project, Jason M Devgun, Rongmei Zhang, Jeffrey Brent, et al.


Higher Risk of Short Term Covid-19 Vaccine Adverse Events In Myositis Patients With Autoimmune Comorbidities: Results From The Covad Study, Mrinalini Dey, Naveen R, Elena Nikiphorou, et al.


Robotic Versus Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia Repair: Two-Year Results From A Prospective, Multicenter, Blinded Randomized Clinical Trial, Naila H Dhanani, Nicole B Lyons, Oscar A Olavarria, et al.


Rapid Escape of New Sars-Cov-2 Omicron Variants From Ba2-Directed Antibody Responses, Aiste Dijokaite-Guraliuc, Raksha Das, Daming Zhou, et al.


Set-Pp2A Complex As A New Therapeutic Target In Kmt2A (Mll) Rearranged Aml, Antonella Di Mambro, Yoana Arroyo-Berdugo, Tiziana Fioretti, et al.


Multi-Task Learning for Post-transplant Cause of Death Analysis: A Case Study on Liver Transplant, Sirui Ding, Qiaoyu Tan, Chia-Yuan Chang, et al.


Short-Term Neonatal Outcomes of Pregnancies Complicated By Maternal Obesity, Mara J Dinsmoor, Lynda G Ugwu, Jennifer L Bailit, et al.


Translational Studies Using The Malt1 Inhibitor (S)-Mepazine To Induce Treg Fragility and Potentiate Immune Checkpoint Therapy In Cancer, Mauro Di Pilato, Yun Gao, Yi Sun, et al.


Processing Speed – A Potential Candidate Cognitive Endophenotype For Bipolar Disorder, Mirona Letitia Dobri, Taya Prince, Alexandre Paim Diaz, et al.


Gwas Meta-Analysis of Suicide Attempt: Identification of 12 Genome-Wide Significant Loci and Implication of Genetic Risks For Specific Health Factors, Anna R Docherty, Niamh Mullins, Allison E Ashley-Koch, et al.


Inflammation In The Tumor-Adjacent Lung As A Predictor of Clinical Outcome In Lung Adenocarcinoma, Igor Dolgalev, Hua Zhou, Nina Murrell, et al.


Association of Metformin With The Development of Age-Related Macular Degeneration, Amitha Domalpally, Samuel A Whittier, Qing Pan, et al.


Environmental Enrichment Devices Are Safe and Effective At Reducing Undesirable Behaviors In California Sea Lions and Northern Elephant Seals During Rehabilitation, Kirsten Donald, Amanda Benedetti, Vinícius Donisete Lima Rodrigues Goulart, et al.