Faculty, Staff and Student Publications

Faculty, Staff and Student Publications


Open-access full-text journal articles of faculty, staff and students from McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston from 1999-present.


Submissions from 2023


Idiopathic Hypertrophic Spinal Pachymeningitis, Ashutosh Gupta, Daniel Um, Rohan Samant, et al.


Idiopathic Hypertrophic Spinal Pachymeningitis, Ashutosh Gupta, Daniel Um, Rohan Samant, et al.


Brain Connectivity Signature Extractions from TMS Invoked EEGs, Deepa Gupta, Xiaoming Du, Ann Summerfelt, et al.


BLM Overexpression as a Predictive Biomarker for CHK1 Inhibitor Response in PARP Inhibitor-Resistant BRCA-Mutant Ovarian Cancer, Nitasha Gupta, Tzu-Ting Huang, Jayakumar R Nair, et al.


An Ecchordosis Physaliphora, A Rare Entity, Involving The Central Nervous System: A Systematic Review of The Literature, Rajesh K Gupta, Thejasvi A Reddy, Ashutosh Gupta, et al.


An Ecchordosis Physaliphora, A Rare Entity, Involving The Central Nervous System: A Systematic Review of The Literature, Rajesh K Gupta, Thejasvi A Reddy, Ashutosh Gupta, et al.


Development of Competency-Based Online Genomic Medicine Training (Cogent), Susanne B Haga, Wendy K Chung, Luis A Cubano, et al.


Transabdominal Cerclage During Pregnancy: A Retrospective Single Operator Series Over A Quarter Century, David R Hall and Mari van de Vyver


Immunoassay Urine Drug Testing among Patients Receiving Opioids at a Safety-Net Palliative Medicine Clinic, John M Halphen, Joseph A Arthur, Soraira Pacheco, et al.


Using Electronic Reminders To Improve Human Papillomavirus (Hpv) Vaccinations Among Primary Care Patients, Kathleen Hanley, Tong Han Chung, Linh K Nguyen, et al.


A Multicenter Evaluation of Pediatric Emergency Department Injury Visits During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Holly R Hanson, Margaret Formica, Danielle Laraque-Arena, et al.


Pharyngeal Oxygen Delivery Device Sustains Manikin Lung Oxygenation Longer Than High-Flow Nasal Cannula, Jeramie B Hanson, John R Williams, Emily H Garmon, et al.


Initial Development of Tools To Identify Child Abuse and Neglect In Pediatric Primary Care, Rochelle F Hanson, Vivienne Zhu, Funlola Are, et al.


Clinical Features and Shared Mechanisms of Chronic Gastritis and Osteoporosis, Tao Han, Yili Zhang, Baoyu Qi, et al.


Logical Definition-Based Identification of Potential Missing Concepts in SNOMED CT, Xubing Hao, Rashmie Abeysinghe, Kirk Roberts, et al.


An Ontology-Based Approach For Harmonization and Cross-Cohort Query of Alzheimer’S Disease Data Resources, Xubing Hao, Xiaojin Li, Guo-Qiang Zhang, et al.


The Impact of Routine Vaccinations On Alzheimer'S Disease Risk In Persons 65 Years and Older: A Claims-Based Cohort Study Using Propensity Score Matching, Kristofer Harris, Yaobin Ling, Avram S Bukhbinder, et al.


The Application of Simultaneous Mainstem Bronchus Dilation With Pulmonary Artery Stenting In The Context of Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, Salman S Hasan, Elena E Skaribas, Elaijah Islam, et al.


Anxiety and Stress Among Healthcare Professionals During Covid-19 In Ethiopia: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Aragaw Asfaw Hasen, Abubeker Alebachew Seid, and Ahmed Adem Mohammed


Depression and Insomnia Among Healthcare Professionals During Covid-19 Pandemic In Ethiopia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Aragaw Asfaw Hasen, Abubeker Alebachew Seid, and Ahmed Adem Mohammed


Poor Sleep Quality and Suicidal Ideation Among Pregnant Women During Covid-19 In Ethiopia: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Aragaw Asfaw Hasen, Abubeker Alebachew Seid, and Ahmed Adem Mohammed


Diagnostic Utility of Multidetector Ct Scan In Penetrating Diaphragmatic Injuries: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analys, Amir Hassankhani, Melika Amoukhteh, Parya Valizadeh, et al.


Disparities In Computed Tomography Utilization For Pediatric Blunt Trauma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Comparing Pediatric and Non-Pediatric Trauma Centers, Amir Hassankhani, Parya Valizadeh, Melika Amoukhteh, et al.


The androgen Receptor Does Not Directly Regulate The Transcription of Dna Damage Response Genes, Sylwia Hasterok, Thomas G Scott, Devin G Roller, et al.


Brain Deficit Patterns of Metabolic Illnesses Overlap With Those For Major Depressive Disorder: A New Metric of Brain Metabolic Disease, Kathryn S Hatch, Si Gao, Yizhou Ma, et al.