Faculty, Staff and Student Publications

Faculty, Staff and Student Publications


Open-access full-text journal articles of faculty, staff and students from McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston from 1999-present.


Submissions from 2021


Alveolar Socket Healing In 5-Lipoxygenase Knockout Aged Female Mice Treated Or Not With High Dose of Zoledronic Acid, Ramez H Mahmoud, Claudia C Biguetti, Gustavo B Simionato, et al.


Lymphatic Dissemination and Axillary Web Syndrome In Primary Cutaneous Tuberculosis Secondary To Needlestick Injury, Alexandre E Malek, Caroline E Fife, John C Rasmussen, et al.


Allografts For Skin Closure During In Utero Spina Bifida Repair In A Sheep Model, Lovepreet K Mann, Jong Hak Won, Rajan Patel, et al.


Protein Cofactors and Substrate Influence Mg2+-Dependent Structural Changes in the Catalytic RNA of Archaeal RNase P, Ila A Marathe, Stella M Lai, Walter J Zahurancik, et al.


Elixir and Toxicology: A Community In Development, Marvin Martens, Rob Stierum, Emma L Schymanski, et al.


Magnetic Resonance Biomarkers In Radiation Oncology: The Report of Aapm Task Group 294, Kiaran P McGee, Ken-Pin Hwang, Daniel C Sullivan, et al.


Trends In Race/Ethnicity of Pediatric Residents and Fellows: 2007-2019, Kimberly Montez, Emma A Omoruyi, Kenya McNeal-Trice, et al.


Radioembolization With Chemotherapy for Colorectal Liver Metastases: A Randomized, Open-Label, International, Multicenter, Phase III Trial, Mary F Mulcahy, Armeen Mahvash, Marc Pracht, et al.


Exercise-Induced Alterations In Phospholipid Hydrolysis, Airway Surfactant, and Eicosanoids and Their Role In Airway Hyperresponsiveness In Asthma, Ryan C Murphy, Ying Lai, James D Nolin, et al.


Distraction Osteogenesis With Temporal Bone Remodeling For Unicoronal Craniosynostosis, Phuong D Nguyen, Ahmed Belal, George N Washington, et al.


A Comparison of Machine Learning Classifiers For Pediatric Epilepsy Using Resting-State Functional MRI Latency Data, Ryan D Nguyen, Matthew D Smyth, Liang Zhu, et al.


Clonidine For The Treatment of Agitation After Dexmedetomidine Discontinuation In Pediatric Patients: A Retrospective Cohort Study, Thao L Nguyen, Weng Man Lam, Hillary Orr, et al.


Prevalence and Factors Associated With Mental Health Symptoms in Adults Undergoing COVID-19 Testing, Ikponmwosa Osaghae, Linh K Nguyen, Tong Han Chung, et al.


Prevalence and Factors Associated With Mental Health Symptoms in Adults Undergoing COVID-19 Testing, Ikponmwosa Osaghae, Linh K Nguyen, Tong Han Chung, et al.


Prevalence and Factors Associated With Mental Health Symptoms in Adults Undergoing COVID-19 Testing, Ikponmwosa Osaghae, Linh K Nguyen, Tong Han Chung, et al.


Can Erythropoietin Reduce Hypoxemic Neurological Damages In Neonates With Congenital Heart Defects?, Sara Ottolenghi, Giuseppina Milano, Michele Dei Cas, et al.


Long-Term Impacts Faced By Patients and Families After Harmful Healthcare Events, Madelene J Ottosen, Emily W Sedlock, Aitebureme O Aigbe, et al.


Prevalence of Functional Limitation In COVID-19 Recovered Patients Using The Post COVID-19 Functional Status Scale, Pankaj Pant, Aishana Joshi, Babin Basnet, et al.


Protecting Sanitation Workers in Low-Middle Income Countries Amid COVID-19, Muhammad Mainuddin Patwary, Md Riad Hossain, Faysal Kabir Shuvo, et al.


Correlation Between Concentrations of Four Heavy Metals In Cord Blood and Childhood Blood of Jamaican Children, Mohammad H Rahbar, Maureen Samms-Vaughan, Manouchehr Hessabi, et al.


Pathologic Femur Fracture Through Osteoid Osteoma After Radiofrequency Ablation: Case Report and Review of The Literature, Nathan B Rogers, Brennan P Roper, and Alfred A Mansour


Pathologic Femur Fracture Through Osteoid Osteoma After Radiofrequency Ablation: Case Report and Review of The Literature, Nathan B Rogers, Brennan P Roper, and Alfred A Mansour


Inferior Turbinate Hypertrophy Presenting As Bilateral Nasal Masses In A Paediatric Patient, Nicholas Armando Rossi, Megan L Swonke, and Shiva Daram


Cost Efficacy of Rapid Whole Genome Sequencing In The Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Erica Sanford Kobayashi, Bryce Waldman, Branden M Engorn, et al.


TAVR in Older Adults: Moving Toward a Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment and Away From Chronological Age: JACC Family Series, Joy M Schmitz, Scott D Lane, Michael F Weaver, et al.