Baylor College of Medicine is a health sciences university that creates knowledge and applies science and discoveries to further education, healthcare and community service locally and globally. Learn more about our mission, vision and values.
Manuscripts submitted for publication (preprints), peer-reviewed pre-publication articles (postprints), and published articles from the faculty of Baylor College of Medicine are posted here with additional links to supplemental data.
Ranked 20th in the nation, and first in Texas since 2006 for obtaining National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding, Baylor College of Medicine received $687 million in total funding from 2,792 sponsored project awards in fiscal year 2023. Baylor operates more than 90 research and patient-care centers and units. BCM also operates more than 27 Advanced Technology Core Laboratories that provide services for studies in areas like metabolomics, proteomics, pathology, and genomics.
Submissions from 2020
Spironolactone in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: Results of a Cross-Over Study, Zeenat Safdar, Adaani Frost, Arya Basant, et al.
miR-30a Targets Gene Networks That Promote Browning of Human and Mouse Adipocytes, Pradip K Saha, Mark P Hamilton, Kimal Rajapakshe, et al.
Simultaneous Examination of Cellular Pathways using Multiplex Hextuple Luciferase Assaying, Alejandro Sarrion-Perdigones, Lyra Chang, Yezabel Gonzalez, et al.
Rapid and Efficient Synthetic Assembly of Multiplex Luciferase Reporter Plasmids for the Simultaneous Monitoring of Up to Six Cellular Signaling Pathways, Alejandro Sarrion-Perdigones, Yezabel Gonzalez, and Koen J T Venken
Efficacy of Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Workshops for Students: A Pilot Study, Kevin P Shah, Shreya Goyal, Vignesh Ramachandran, et al.
Risk Prediction Rule for Advanced Neoplasia on Screening Colonoscopy for Average-Risk Individuals, Ala I Sharara, Ali El Mokahal, Ali H Harb, et al.
Structure and Mechanism of a Unique Diiron Center in Mammalian Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase, Jiemin Shen, Gang Wu, Ah-Lim Tsai, et al.
Measuring Teacher Identity During the Transition From Medical School to Residency, Stephanie Sherman, Shelley Kumar, Jonathan Lim, et al.
A Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies Two Novel Susceptible Regions for Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck., Sanjay Shete, Hongliang Liu, Jian Wang, et al.
Chronic Ulcers and Malnutrition in an African Patient\, Timothy G Singer, Monica A Bray, Audrey Chan, et al.
Spinal Cord Injury Provider Knowledge and Attitudes Toward Bacteriuria Management and Antibiotic Stewardship, Felicia Skelton, Sarah May, Larissa Grigoryan, et al.
A Rare Clinical Presentation of Metastatic Crohn's Disease, Kaitlyn L Streight, Tara L Braun, Nicholas Lowe, et al.
Dermatology Resident Training on Depression Screening: A Cross-Sectional Survey, Kaitlyn L Streight, Harry Dao, and Soo Jung Kim
A Global Slc7a7 Knockout Mouse Model Demonstrates Characteristic Phenotypes of Human Lysinuric Protein Intolerance, Bridget M Stroup, Ronit Marom, Xiaohui Li, et al.
The Ubiquitin Ligase Cullin-1 Associates With Chromatin and Regulates Transcription of Specific C-MYC Target Genes, Melanie A Sweeney, Polina Iakova, Laure Maneix, et al.
Systematic Review With Meta-Analysis: Prevalence of Prior and Concurrent Barrett’s Oesophagus in Oesophageal Adenocarcinoma Patients, Mimi C Tan, Nabil Mansour, Donna L White, et al.
Antioxidant Carbon Nanoparticles Inhibit Fibroblast-Like Synoviocyte Invasiveness and Reduce Disease Severity in a Rat Model of Rheumatoid Arthritis, Mark R Tanner, Redwan Huq, William K A Sikkema, et al.
Improvement of Cryo-Em Maps by Density Modification, Thomas C Terwilliger, Steven J Ludtke, Randy J Read, et al.
Evidence for the Misfolding of the A1 Domain within Multimeric von Willebrand Factor in Type 2 von Willebrand Disease, Alexander Tischer, Maria A Brehm, Venkata R Machha, et al.
Discovery of a Bacterial Peptide as a Modulator of GLP-1 and Metabolic Disease, Catherine Tomaro-Duchesneau, Stephanie L LeValley, Daniel Roeth, et al.
Modulating the Rate of Fibrin Formation and Clot Structure Attenuates Microvascular Thrombosis in Systemic Inflammation, Christian Valladolid, Marina Martinez-Vargas, Nitin Sekhar, et al.
Principles of RNA Processing From Analysis of Enhanced Clip Maps for 150 RNA Binding Proteins, Eric L Van Nostrand, Gabriel A Pratt, Brian A Yee, et al.
AMPK regulation of Raptor and TSC2 mediate metformin effects on transcriptional control of anabolism and inflammation, Jeanine L Van Nostrand, Kristina Hellberg, En-Ching Luo, et al.
Aseptic Barriers Allow a Clean Contact for Contaminated Stethoscope Diaphragms, Rajiv Vasudevan, Ji H Shin, Jessica Chopyk, et al.
Adaptive Thermogenesis Enhances the Life-Threatening Response To Heat in Mice With an Ryr1 Mutation, Hui J Wang, Chang Seok Lee, Rachel Sue Zhen Yee, et al.