Baylor College of Medicine is a health sciences university that creates knowledge and applies science and discoveries to further education, healthcare and community service locally and globally. Learn more about our mission, vision and values.

Manuscripts submitted for publication (preprints), peer-reviewed pre-publication articles (postprints), and published articles from the faculty of Baylor College of Medicine are posted here with additional links to supplemental data.

Ranked 20th in the nation, and first in Texas since 2006 for obtaining National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding, Baylor College of Medicine received $687 million in total funding from 2,792 sponsored project awards in fiscal year 2023. Baylor operates more than 90 research and patient-care centers and units. BCM also operates more than 27 Advanced Technology Core Laboratories that provide services for studies in areas like metabolomics, proteomics, pathology, and genomics.


Submissions from 2022


Modified Vaccinia Ankara Expressing EEHV1A Glycoprotein B Elicits Humoral and Cell-Mediated Immune Responses in Mice, Taylor Pursell, Jennifer L Spencer Clinton, Jie Tan, et al.


The Prevalence and Spectrum of Reported Incidental Adrenal Abnormalities in Abdominal Computed Tomography of Cancer Patients: The Experience of a Comprehensive Cancer Center, Aiham Qdaisat, Sara Bedrose, Obadah Ezzeldin, et al.


RNA Binding Protein RBM46 Regulates Mitotic-to-Meiotic Transition in Spermatogenesis, Baomei Qian, Yang Li, Ruoyu Yan, et al.


Loss of non-motor kinesin KIF26A causes congenital brain malformations via dysregulated neuronal migration and axonal growth as well as apoptosis, Xuyu Qian, Ellen M DeGennaro, Maya Talukdar, et al.


A Sensor-Controlled Digital Game for Heart Failure Self-Care Based on Behavioral Change Frameworks, Kavita Radhakrishnan, Atami Sagna DeMain, Christine Julien, et al.


Hyperkalemia and Electrocardiogram Manifestations in End-Stage Renal Disease, Zubaid Rafique, Bryan Hoang, Heba Mesbah, et al.


Targeting Aberrant Replication and DNA Repair Events for Treating Breast Cancers, Subapriya Rajamanickam, Jun Hyoung Park, Panneerdoss Subbarayalu, et al.


Abnormal Perception of Pattern-Induced Flicker Colors in Subjects With Glaucoma, Padmapriya Ramamoorthy, Nicole L Alexander, and Benjamin J Frankfort


Adolescents Accessing School-Based versus Family Planning Clinics: Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Testing and Treatment Outcomes, Meghna Raphael, Allyssa A Abacan, Peggy B Smith, et al.


Systemic Delivery of Divalent Europium from Ligand Screening with Implications to Direct Imaging of Hypoxia, Md Mamunur Rashid, Brooke A Corbin, Pavan Jella, et al.


Differences in COVID-19-Related Testing and Healthcare Utilization by Race and Ethnicity in the Veterans Health Administration, Javad Razjouyan, Drew A Helmer, Ang Li, et al.


A Case of Isolated Cardiac Burkitt Lymphoma Causing Right-Sided Heart Failure, Graham Rector, Stephanie J Koh, and Rashed Tabbaa


In Vivo Measurement of Intradiscal Pressure Changes Related to Thrust and Non-Thrust Spinal Manipulation in an Animal Model: A Pilot Study, William R Reed, Michael A K Liebschner, Carla R Lima, et al.


Measurement of Force and Intramuscular Pressure Changes Related to Thrust Spinal Manipulation in an In Vivo Animal Model, William R Reed, Carla R Lima, Michael A K Liebschner, et al.


Triplet Therapy, Transplantation, and Maintenance until Progression in Myeloma, Paul G Richardson, Susanna J Jacobus, Edie A Weller, et al.


Expert Clinical Management of Severe Immune-Related Adverse Events: Results from a Multicenter Survey on Hot Topics for Management, Mar Riveiro-Barciela, Maria Jose Soler, Ana Barreira-Diaz, et al.


Changes in Physical Activity Associated With the COVID-19 Pandemic in Individuals With Overweight and Obesity: An Interrupted Time Series Analysis With Historical Controls, Michael C Robertson, Che Young Lee, Ivan Haw-Chong Wu, et al.


A Photography-based, Social Media Walking Intervention Targeting Autonomous Motivations for Physical Activity: Semistructured Interviews With Older Women, Michael C Robertson, Maria Chang Swartz, Ursela Christopherson, et al.


The Association of Baseline Plasma SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid Antigen Level and Outcomes in Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19, Angela J Rogers, Deborah Wentworth, Andrew Phillips, et al.


A Potential Role for Substance P in West Nile Virus Neuropathogenesis, Shannon E Ronca, Sarah M Gunter, Rebecca Berry Kairis, et al.


Tocilizumab in Patients Hospitalised With COVID-19 Pneumonia: Efficacy, Safety, Viral Clearance, and Antibody Response From a Randomised Controlled Trial (COVACTA), Ivan O Rosas, Norbert Bräu, Michael Waters, et al.


PHGDH Heterogeneity Potentiates Cancer Cell Dissemination and Metastasis, Matteo Rossi, Patricia Altea-Manzano, Margherita Demicco, et al.


Deletion of the Lmna Gene in Fibroblasts Causes Senescence-Associated Dilated Cardiomyopathy by Activating the Double-Stranded DNA Damage Response and Induction of Senescence-Associated Secretory Phenotype, Leila Rouhi, Gaelle Auguste, Qiong Zhou, et al.


The EP300/TP53 Pathway, a Suppressor of the Hippo and Canonical WNT Pathways, Is Activated in Human Hearts With Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy in the Absence of Overt Heart Failure, Leila Rouhi, Siyang Fan, Sirisha M Cheedipudi, et al.


Concerted Type I Interferon Signaling in Microglia and Neural Cells Promotes Memory Impairment Associated With Amyloid β Plaques, Ethan R Roy, Gabriel Chiu, Sanming Li, et al.