A commentary on Mendoza et al.'s article entitled, "Ethnic Minority Children’s Active Commuting to School and Association with Physical Activity and Pedestrian Safety Behaviors."
Recommended Citation
MS Pedroso. (2010) "Commentary: Dedication of Additional Resources to Evaluation and Low-Income Schools is Critical to Increasing Levels of Safe Walking and Bicycling to School," Journal of Applied Research on Children: Informing Policy for Children at Risk: Vol. 1: Iss. 1, Article 9.DOI: https://doi.org/10.58464/2155-5834.1016
Available at: https://digitalcommons.library.tmc.edu/childrenatrisk/vol1/iss1/9
A Response To:
Ethnic Minority Children’s Active Commuting to School and Association with Physical Activity and Pedestrian Safety Behaviors by Jason A. Mendoza, Kathy Watson, Tom Baranowski, Theresa A. Nicklas, Doris K. Uscanga, Nga Nguyen, and Marcus J. Hanfling.