Open-access, full-text copies of The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center UTHealth Houston Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences dissertations from 2009 onwards. Topics include all aspects of the biomedical sciences.

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Older GSBS dissertations (from approximately 1979-1999) are available, in print format only, at McGovern Historical Center. They can be found via OneSearch. Search by subject heading: "Dissertations, Academic--University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences" for the full list, click DigitalCommons@TMC, or use the main search box on the left navigation menu section to search for known individual dissertations.

Some older GSBS dissertations are also available online via ProQuest, but full-text access is restricted to TMC academic institutions affiliated with The TMC Library.


Theses/Dissertations from 2021


Investigating The Role Of Abro1 In Dna Damage-Induced Immune Response, Ahmed Emam


Investigation Of Trophon® 2 For High Level Disinfection Of Rigid Endorectal Mri Coils, Rebecca DiTusa


Isolated, Absent Cavum Septum Pellucidum: A Single Center’S Outcomes And Review Of The Literature, Renee Bardini


Lgr5 Regulation Of Stat3 Signaling And Drug Resistance In Colorectal Cancer, Tressie Posey and Tressie Alexandra Posey


Manipulating Enhancer Rna Activity To Study Their Roles In Gene Regulation And Cancer, Zian Liao


Micrornas As A Therapeutic Target To Regulate Microglial Activation In Post­ Stroke Isolation In Aged Male Mice, Anik Banerjee


Mitochondrial Unfolded Protein Response Regulator Atf5 In Mitochondrial Targeted Therapies In Aml, Ran Zhao


Mixture Model Approaches To Integrative Analysis Of Multi-Omics Data And Spatially Correlated Genomic Data, Ziqiao Wang


Modulating Immunometabolism To Improve The Activity Of Car-Nk Cells Targeting Cd70 In Renal Cell Carcinoma, Hind Rafei


Modulation Of The Receptor Gating Mechanism And Allosteric Communication In Ionotropic Glutamate Receptors, Nabina Paudyal and Nabina Paudyal


Molecular Drivers Of Bladder Cancer Motility, Bryan Wehrenberg


Mutant Kras Alters Extracellular Vesicle Microrna Sorting In Pancreatic Cystic Neoplasms, Rachel L. Dittmar


Npsd4: A New Player In Sumo-Dependent Dna Repair, Erin Atkinson


Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging For The Early Prediction Of Treatment Response In Triple Negative Breast Cancer, Benjamin C. Musall


Rare Variant Association Studies In Crohn’S Disease And Colorectal Cancer: Methods And Applications, Jiun-Sheng Chen


Regulation Of Lung Mesenchymal Cells By Epithelial Wnt Ligands, Odemaris Narvaez del Pilar


Role Of Methyltransferase Like-3 (Mettl3) In Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (Pdac) Progression, Bhargavi Brahmendra Barathi


Spectrum And Incidence Of Primary And Therapy-Related Hematologic Malignancies In Individuals With Brca1 And Brca2 Pathogenic Variants, Rosemary Rogers and Rosemary Rogers


Stat3 Inhibits Type I Interferon Signaling In Type I Conventional Dendritic Cells, Taylor Chrisikos


Synthetic Essentiality Of Tdo2 In Apc-Mutated Colorectal Cancer, Rumi Lee


Targeting Plasma Membrane Phosphatidylserine Content To Inhibit Oncogenic Kras Function, Walaa E. Kattan


The Functional Analysis Of A Major Tyrosine Phosphorylation Site On Actin, Amelie Simone Cordelia Albrecht


The Functional Contribution Of Adaptive Immunity In The Biology Of Pancreatic Cancer And Therapeutic Targeting Of Oncogenic Kras, Krishnan Mahadevan


The Impact Of Synchrony On Neuronal Coding And Behavior, Natasha Kharas


The Importance Of Dna Repair Capacity To (And A Model To Predict) Cell Radiosensitivity To Ions, David B. Flint and David B. Flint