Dissertations & Theses (ProQuest)
Digital dissertations from 1966-2009. Free access is limited to The TMC Library's academic-level users; other users may be able to obtain them through their own libraries or purchase them from ProQuest. For remote access click here.
Dissertations from 2009-the present are open-access in DigitalCommons@TMC.
Older UTHealth GSBS dissertations (dating approximately 1979-1999) are available at The TMC Library in print format. Check the Library Catalog. For best results, search using the subject heading: "Dissertations, Academic--University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences."
Submissions from 2008
Emerging roles for the double strand break repair protein 53BP1 in transcriptional regulation, Melissa Marie Adams
Diversity in T cell costimulation by α4β1 integrin, Matthew John Billard
SFRP4 regulation of Wnt7a signaling and cellular proliferation in the endometrium, Kendra S Carmon
Glioma-specific alternative RNA splicing: A role for polypyrimidine tract binding protein-1, Hannah Chung-yan Cheung
The molecular mechanisms of sensing nucleoside analogue-induced DNA damage, Brett J Ewald
Proton therapy versus intensity modulated x-ray therapy in the treatment of prostate cancer: Estimating secondary cancer risks, Jonas David Fontenot
The mechanism of action of a novel benzo[c]phenanthridine alkaloid, NK314 and the cellular responses, Lei Guo
An integrated molecular biology and computational approach to CYP1A1 expression in human brain, Jade Michelle Hatley
Identification and analysis of novel mitotic inhibitors of the Caenorhabditis elegans Aurora B kinase, Todd Ryan Heallen
Ligand-stimulated internalization of a Dictyostelium discoideum G protein-coupled cAMP receptor, Mark Richard Hickman
Downstream targets of the Rhox5 homeobox gene, Zhiying Hu
Forebrain-cerebellum interactions revealed by trace eyelid conditioning, Brian Edward Kalmbach
Mechanotransduction pathway activation in familial thoracic aortic aneurysms and dissections, Andrea Lee Lafont
Involvement of HMGB1 in the repair of DNA adducts and the responses to DNA damage in mammalian cells, Sabine Sue Lloyd Lange
Role of IκB kinase β in inflammation-mediated breast cancer development, Dung-Fang Lee
Analysis of the E1-ubiquitin activating enzyme, Uba1, in cell death and tissue growth in Drosophila, Tom Van Lee
Dissecting the role of LIM -homeobox gene LMX1B in the development of the ocular anterior segment, Pu Liu
Spectroscopic and functional investigations of the AMPA subtype of ionotropic glutamate receptors, Kimberly Anne Mankiewicz
Submissions from 2007
Homeostatic transcriptional regulation of bcl-2 in the epidermis, Nikhil S Chari
Submissions from 2001
Dielectrophoresis-based analyte separation and analysis, Jody Valentine Vykoukal
Submissions from 1999
NMR structural analysis of cardiac troponin C: Monitoring conformational changes induced by binding calcium, troponin I, and calcium -sensitizing drugs, Quinn Koos Kleerekoper
Submissions from 1994
Deviation of the alloimmune response toward tolerance by chimeric class I MHC molecules, Rafik R Ghobrial