Faculty, Staff and Student Publications


Open-access journal articles from UTHealth GSBS faculty, staff and students.


Submissions from 2023


Fibrinogen-Like Protein 2: Its Biological Function Across Cell Types and the Potential to Serve as an Immunotherapy Target for Brain Tumors, Sheng Zhang, Ganesh Rao, Amy Heimberger, et al.


Targeted Therapeutic Strategies for Melanoma, Shiwei Zhang, Ruxin Xie, Ai Zhong, et al.


Modulating a Prebiotic Food Source Influences Inflammation and Immune-Regulating Gut Microbes and Metabolites: Insights from the BE GONE Trial, Xiaotao Zhang, Ehsan Irajizad, Kristi L Hoffman, et al.


Combining Physics-Based Models With Deep Learning Image Synthesis and Uncertainty in Intraoperative Cone-Beam Ct of the Brain, Xiaoxuan Zhang, Alejandro Sisniega, Wojciech B Zbijewski, et al.


A Deep Learning Onion Peeling Approach to Measure Oral Epithelium Layer Number, Xinyi Zhang, Frederico O Gleber-Netto, Shidan Wang, et al.


A Deep Learning Onion Peeling Approach to Measure Oral Epithelium Layer Number., Xinyi Zhang, Frederico O Gleber-Netto, Shidan Wang, et al.


Deep Learning-Based Pathology Image Analysis Predicts Cancer Progression Risk in Patients With Oral Leukoplakia, Xinyi Zhang, Frederico O Gleber-Netto, Shidan Wang, et al.


Targeting Polyploid Giant Cancer Cells Potentiates a Therapeutic Response and Overcomes Resistance to Parp Inhibitors in Ovarian Cancer, Xudong Zhang, Jun Yao, Xiaoran Li, et al.


Positioning The Brainstem Within The Neural Network of Threat Prediction, Xu O Zhang and Fabricio H Do Monte


Molecular Mechanisms of snoRNA-IL-15 Crosstalk in Adipocyte Lipolysis and NK Cell Rejuvenation, Yaohua Zhang, Zilong Zhao, Lisa A Huang, et al.


Molecular Mechanisms of snoRNA-lL-15 Crosstalk in Adipocyte Lipolysis and NK Cell Rejuvenation, Yaohua Zhang, Zilong Zhao, Lisa A Huang, et al.


Dynamics and Mechanisms of Erk Activation After Different Protocols That Induce Long-Term Synaptic Facilitation In Aplysia, Yili Zhang, Rong-Yu Liu, Paul Smolen, et al.


Association of Mitochondrial DNA Copy Number With Brain MRI Markers and Cognitive Function: A Meta-Analysis of Community-Based Cohorts, Yuankai Zhang, Xue Liu, Kerri L Wiggins, et al.


Pathway-Driven Rare Germline Variants Associated With Transplant-Associated Thrombotic Microangiopathy (TA-TMA), Zhihui Zhang, Wei Hong, Qian Wu, et al.


Advances in the Treatment of Invasive Fungal Disease, Zhuan Zhang, Gerald F Bills, and Zhiqiang An


Identifying The Serious Clinical Outcomes of Adverse Reactions To Drugs By A Multi-Task Deep Learning Framework, Haochen Zhao, Peng Ni, Qichang Zhao, et al.


Epigenome-Wide Association Study Using Peripheral Blood Leukocytes Identifies Genomic Regions Associated With Periodontal Disease and Edentulism in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study, Naisi Zhao, Flavia Teles, Jiayun Lu, et al.


FGL2-Targeting T Cells Exhibit Antitumor Effects on Glioblastoma and Recruit Tumor-Specific Brain-Resident Memory T Cells, Qingnan Zhao, Jiemiao Hu, Lingyuan Kong, et al.


Proteogenomic Landscape of Gastric Adenocarcinoma Peritoneal Metastases, Shuangtao Zhao, Ruiping Wang, Shumei Song, et al.


Fgf Signaling in Cranial Suture Development and Related Diseases, Xiaolei Zhao, Shannon Erhardt, Kihan Sung, et al.


Surgery After BRAF-Directed Therapy Is Associated with Improved Survival in BRAF, Xiao Zhao, Jennifer Rui Wang, Ramona Dadu, et al.


New Insights into YAP/TAZ-TEAD-Mediated Gene Regulation and Biological Processes in Cancer, Yang Zhao, Marisela Sheldon, Yutong Sun, et al.


A Transformer-Based Hierarchical Registration Framework for Multimodality Deformable Image Registration, Yao Zhao, Xinru Chen, Brigid McDonald, et al.


Compensation Cycle Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks (Comp-Gan) for Synthetic Ct Generation From Mr Scans With Truncated Anatomy, Yao Zhao, He Wang, Cenji Yu, et al.


Efficacy of Eltrombopag With Immunosuppressive Therapy for Children With Acquired Aplastic Anemia, Yufei Zhao, Wenrui Yang, Xin Zhao, et al.