Faculty, Staff and Student Publications

Faculty, Staff and Student Publications


Open-access full-text journal articles of faculty, staff and students from McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston from 1999-present.


Submissions from 2023


Baseline Psychosocial, Environmental, Health, and Behavioral Correlates of 1- and 3-Year Weight Loss After Bariatric Surgery, Ming Ji, Sonya L Negriff, Jeff M Slezak, et al.


Current Curricular Trends After The Covid-19 Pandemic: A National Survey of Psychiatry Residency Programs, Jeff Wang Jin, Kacy Smith, Amanda Helminiak, et al.


Evaluation of the Effect of New Multimodal Analgesia Regimen for Cardiac Surgery: A Prospective, Randomized Controlled, Single-Center Clinical Study, Lin Jin, Yafen Liang, Ying Yu, et al.


Evaluating The Relationship of In Utero Nicotine Exposure With Hypoglycemia After Delivery: An Observational Study, Mary G Johnson, Robert Suchting, Lisa M Scheid, et al.


Vital Signs For Pediatric Health: Chronic Absenteeism, Sara B Johnson, Anne Edwards, Tina Cheng, et al.


Project Inclusive Genetics: Protecting Reproductive Autonomy From Bias Via Prenatal Patient-Centered Counseling, Apolline Jungels, Lindsay Demers, Eric Ford, et al.


Cultivated Autologous Limbal Epithelial Cell (Calec) Transplantation: Development of Manufacturing Process and Clinical Evaluation of Feasibility and Safety, Ula V Jurkunas, Jia Yin, Lynette K Johns, et al.


Comparing Palliation Strategies For Single-Ventricle Anatomy With Transposed Great Arteries and Systemic Outflow Obstruction, Alyssa B Kalustian, Zachary A Spigel, Christopher E Greenleaf, et al.


The Cortico-Limbo-Thalamo-Cortical Circuits: An Update To The Original Papez Circuit of The Human Limbic System, Arash Kamali, Sofia Milosavljevic, Anusha Gandhi, et al.


Plasma Biomarkers For Brain Injury In Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation, Shrey Kapoor, Anna Kolchinski, Aaron M Gusdon, et al.


Efficacy and Safety of Elamipretide In Individuals With Primary Mitochondrial Myopathy: The Mmpower-3 Randomized Clinical Trial, Amel Karaa, Enrico Bertini, Valerio Carelli, et al.


Regional Vulnerability Indices In Youth With Persistent and Distressing Psychoticlike Experiences, Nicole R Karcher, Hailey Modi, Peter Kochunov, et al.


Gonadotropin-Secreting and Thyrotropin-Secreting Pituitary Adenomas: A Single-Center Experience, Manjiri Karlekar, Chakra Diwaker, Vijaya Sarathi, et al.


Prognostic Evaluation of Re-Resection For Recurrent Glioblastoma Using The Novel Rano Classification For Extent of Resection: A Report of The Rano Resect Group, Philipp Karschnia, Antonio Dono, Jacob S Young, et al.


Prognostic Validation of A New Classification System For Extent of Resection In Glioblastoma: A Report of The Rano Resect Group, Philipp Karschnia, Jacob S Young, Antonio Dono, et al.


Rapid Assessment of Fish Freshness For Multiple Supply-Chain Nodes Using Multi-Mode Spectroscopy and Fusion-Based Artificial Intelligence, Hossein Kashani Zadeh, Mike Hardy, Mitchell Sueker, et al.


Strict Conservation Yet Non-Essential Nature of Plasmid Gene Bba40 In The Lyme Disease Spirochete Borrelia Burgdorferi, Irene N Kasumba, Kit Tilly, Tao Lin, et al.


Catalase Produced By Candida Albicans Protects Streptococcus Mutans From H2O2 Stress-One More Piece In The Cross-Kingdom Synergism Puzzle, Callahan Katrak, Bruna A Garcia, Louise M Dornelas-Figueira, et al.


Cardiopulmonary Outcomes in Covid-19 Patients Discharged From a Tertiary Care Center: A Prospective Study, Lakshmi Prasanna Vaishnavi Kattamuri, Vibhav Sharma, Radhika Sarda, et al.


Incidental Vascular Lesion In Explanted Liver: A Rare Case Report and Review of The Literature, Rossana Kazemimood, Shohreh Eliaszadeh, and Kenneth Wind


A Deep Residual Model For Characterization of 5D Spatiotemporal Network Dynamics Reveals Widespread Spatiodynamic Changes In Schizophrenia, Behnam Kazemivash, Theo G M van Erp, Peter Kochunov, et al.


Longitudinal Developmental Outcomes of Infants and Toddlers With Traumatic Brain Injury, Heather T Keenan, Amy Clark, Rich Holubkov, et al.


Reducing Stress After Trauma (Reset): Study Protocol For A Randomized, Controlled Trial of An Online Psychoeducational Program and Video Therapy Sessions For Children Hospitalized After Trauma, Heather T Keenan, Shari L Wade, Devi Miron, et al.


Adenosine Metabolized From Extracellular Atp Ameliorates Organ Injury By Triggering A2Br Signaling, Taha Kelestemur, Zoltán H Németh, Pal Pacher, et al.


The Effects of Natural Epigenetic Therapies In 3D Ovarian Cancer and Patient-Derived Tumor Explants: New Avenues In Regulating The Cancer Secretome, Rebeca Kelly, Diego Aviles, Catriona Krisulevicz, et al.