Faculty, Staff and Student Publications
Open-access full-text journal articles of faculty, staff and students from McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston from 1999-present.
Submissions from 2023
Lipid Nanoparticle-Mediated mRNA Delivery In Lung Fibrosis, Matteo Massaro, Suhong Wu, Gherardo Baudo, et al.
The Society of Abdominal Radiology At 10 Years: Reflections, Status Report, and Look To The Future, Katherine E Maturen, Cheri L Canon, Joel G Fletcher, et al.
Novel Psychiatric Disorder 6 Months After Traumatic Brain Injury In Children and Adolescents, Jeffrey E Max, Imogen Drake, Florin Vaida, et al.
Effects of Independent Versus Dependent Stressful Life Events On Major Symptom Domains of Schizophrenia, Yizhou Ma, Joshua Chiappelli, Mark D Kvarta, et al.
Association Between Brain Similarity To Severe Mental Illnesses and Comorbid Cerebral, Physical, and Cognitive Impairments, Yizhou Ma, Mark D Kvarta, Bhim M Adhikari, et al.
Intraoperative Cortical Localization of Music and Language Reveals Signatures of Structural Complexity In Posterior Temporal Cortex, Meredith J McCarty, Elliot Murphy, Xavier Scherschligt, et al.
The Murky Waters of Sex Differences In Post-Stroke Cognitive Impairment, Louise D McCullough
Anterior Displacement of Tibial Spine Fractures: Does Anatomic Reduction Matter?, Shannon A McGurty, Theodore J Ganley, Indranil Kushare, et al.
Durability of Near-Complete Skin Clearance In Patients With Psoriasis Using Systemic Biologic Therapies: Real-World Evidence From The Corevitas Psoriasis Registry, Robert R McLean, Adam P Sima, Silky Beaty, et al.
Brainstorm-DUNEuro: An integrated and user-friendly Finite Element Method for modeling electromagnetic brain activity, Takfarinas Medani, Juan Garcia-Prieto, Francois Tadel, et al.
Renal Cell Carcinoma Presenting With Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding: A Case Report, James Mega, Rene Roberts, Mohamed M Shahin, et al.
Open Repair of An Infected Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm In A Patient With Vascular Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Bernardo C Mendes, Diego V S Rodrigues, Indrani Sen, et al.
A Human Stem Cell-Derived Neuronal Model of Morphine Exposure Reflects Brain Dysregulation In Opioid Use Disorder: Transcriptomic and Epigenetic Characterization of Postmortem-Derived Ipsc Neurons, Emily F Mendez, Sandra L Grimm, Laura Stertz, et al.
Multi-Model Order Spatially Constrained Ica Reveals Highly Replicable Group Differences and Consistent Predictive Results From Resting Data: A Large N Fmri Schizophrenia Study, Xing Meng, Armin Iraji, Zening Fu, et al.
Researching Covid To Enhance Recovery (Recover) Pregnancy Study: Rationale, Objectives and Design, Torri D Metz, Rebecca G Clifton, Richard Gallagher, et al.
Association Between Giving Birth During the Early Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic and Serious Maternal Morbidity, Torri D Metz, Rebecca G Clifton, Brenna L Hughes, et al.
Protocol For Expression of Murine Milk Using Modified Human Breast Pump Parts, Cydney Meyer and Joseph L Alcorn
Para-Infectious Brain Injury In Covid-19 Persists At Follow-Up Despite Attenuated Cytokine and Autoantibody Responses, Benedict D Michael, Cordelia Dunai, Edward J Needham, et al.
Anticancer Potential of Natural Chalcones: In Vitro and In Vivo Evidence, Radka Michalkova, Ladislav Mirossay, Martin Kello, et al.
Examining the Potential of Vitamin C Supplementation in Tissue-Engineered Equine Superficial Digital Flexor Tendon Constructs, Michael J Mienaltowski, Mitchell Callahan, Nicole L Gonzales, et al.
Effect of Age and Sex On Psychological Readiness and Patient-Reported Outcomes 6 Months After Primary Acl Reconstruction, Matthew D Milewski, Jessica L Traver, Ryan P Coene, et al.
Psoriasiform Mycosis Fungoides-Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma In An African American, Austinn C Miller, Alexzandra Mattia, Anthony Thompson, et al.
Hemorrhagic Herpes Zoster Duplex Unilateralis In A Patient Taking Clopidogrel, Austinn C Miller, Anthony Thompson, Alexzandra Mattia, et al.
Neonatal Survival After Serial Amnioinfusions For Bilateral Renal Agenesis: The Renal Anhydramnios Fetal Therapy Trial, Jena L Miller, Ahmet A Baschat, Mara Rosner, et al.
Post-Zygotic Rescue of Meiotic Errors Causes Brain Mosaicism and Focal Epilepsy, Katherine E Miller, Adithe C Rivaldi, Noriyuki Shinagawa, et al.