Faculty, Staff and Student Publications

Faculty, Staff and Student Publications


Open-access full-text journal articles of faculty, staff and students from McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston from 1999-present.


Submissions from 2023


Physiological and Molecular Bases of The Boron Deficiency Response In Tomatoes, Junjun Li, Huihui Fan, Qianqian Song, et al.


Endogenous But Not Sensory-Driven Activity Controls Migration, Morphogenesis and Survival of Adult-Born Juxtaglomerular Neurons In The Mouse Olfactory Bulb, Kaizhen Li, Katherine Figarella, Xin Su, et al.


A Novel Humanized Chi3L1 Blocking Antibody Attenuates Acetaminophen-Induced Liver Injury In Mice, Leike Li, Yankai Wen, Daniel Wrapp, et al.


Association Between The Epigenetic Lifespan Predictor Grimage and History of Suicide Attempt In Bipolar Disorder, Camila N C Lima, Emese H C Kovács, Salahudeen Mirza, et al.


Research On Cloud Manufacturing Service Recommendation Based On Graph Neural Network, Minghui Li, Xiaoqiu Shi, Yuqiang Shi, et al.


Gender-Associated Cardiometabolic Risk Profiles and Health Behaviors In Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of The Joint Asia Diabetes Evaluation (Jade) Program, Lee-Ling Lim, Eric S H Lau, Alice P S Kong, et al.


Point-of-Care Ultrasound In Airway Evaluation and Management: A Comprehensive Review, Judy Lin, Ryan Bellinger, Andrew Shedd, et al.


An End-To-End In-Silico and In-Vitro Drug Repurposing Pipeline For Glioblastoma, Ko-Hong Lin, Jay-Jiguang Zhu, Judith A Smith, et al.


Variations of The Trapezius Branch of The Accessory Nerve: An Anatomic Study, Matthew E Lin, Celeste Kim, Adam Howard, et al.


Endothelial-To-Osteoblast Transition In Normal Mouse Bone Development, Song-Chang Lin, Guoyu Yu, Yu-Chen Lee, et al.


The Importance of Mitral Valve Prolapse Doming Volume In The Assessment of Left Ventricular Stroke Volume With Cardiac Mri, Rui Li, Hosamadin Assadi, Gareth Matthews, et al.


Unveiling The Noncanonical Activation Mechanism of Cdks: Insights From Recent Structural Studies, Tao Li, Hui-Chi Tang, and Kuang-Lei Tsai


Prescribing Patterns of Fall Risk-Increasing Drugs In Older Adults Hospitalized For Heart Failure, Esther Liu, Musarrat Nahid, Mahad Musse, et al.


Glycolysis Regulates Kras Plasma Membrane Localization and Function Through Defined Glycosphingolipids, Junchen Liu, Ransome van der Hoeven, Walaa E Kattan, et al.


Comprehensive Evaluation and New Recommendations In The Use of Gafchromic Ebt3 Film, Kevin Liu, Patrik Gonçalves Jorge, Ramesh Tailor, et al.


Phylogenetic Inference From Single-Cell Rna-Seq Data, Xuan Liu, Jason I Griffiths, Isaac Bishara, et al.


Utility and Usability of Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging (Lsci) For Displaying Real-Time Tissue Perfusion/Blood Flow In Robot-Assisted Surgery (Ras): Comparison To Indocyanine Green (Icg) and Use In Laparoscopic Surgery, Yao Z Liu, Shinil K Shah, Christina M Sanders, et al.


N6-Methyladenosine-Mediated Overexpression of Long Noncoding Rna Adamts9-As2 Triggers Neuroblastoma Differentiation Via Regulating Lin28B/Let-7/Mycn Signaling, Yun Liu, Jun Zhang, Fang Cao, et al.


Probiotic-Derived Ecto-5'-Nucleotidase Produces Anti-Inflammatory Adenosine Metabolites In Treg-Deficient Scurfy Mice, Yuying Liu, Shabba A Armbrister, Beanna Okeugo, et al.


Volatile Anesthetic and Outcome In Acute Trauma Care: Planned Secondary Analysis of The Proppr Study, Colleen E Livingston, Dominique T Levy, Sepideh Saroukhani, et al.


Sensing Fear: Fast and Precise Threat Evaluation In Human Sensory Cortex, Wen Li and Andreas Keil


Ligand-displaying Escherichia coli Cells and Minicells for Programmable Delivery of Toxic Payloads via Type IV Secretion Systems, Yang Grace Li, Kouhei Kishida, Natsumi Ogawa-Kishida, et al.


Sexually Dimorphic Extracellular Vesicle Responses After Chronic Spinal Cord Injury Are Associated With Neuroinflammation and Neurodegeneration In The Aged Brain, Yun Li, Niaz Khan, Rodney M Ritzel, et al.


Development and Internal Validation of A Novel Nomogram For Predicting Lymph Node Invasion For Prostate Cancer Patients Undergoing Extended Pelvic Lymph Node Dissection, Zhen Li, Yixin Huang, Diwei Zhao, et al.


Genome-Wide Characterization of Trichome Birefringence-Like Genes Provides Insights Into Fiber Yield Improvement, Ziyin Li, Yuzhen Shi, Xianghui Xiao, et al.