Dissertations & Theses (ProQuest)
Digital dissertations from 1972-current. Full-text download via ProQuest is limited to The TMC Library's academic users; others may be able to access these documents through their own libraries or purchase them individually from ProQuest.
Many more (older) UTHealth-SPH dissertations are available in print format from The TMC Library. They are available via OneSearch under the subject heading: Dissertations, Academic--University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. School of Public Health
Submissions from 2018
Creating a Common Understanding around Social Emotional Learning: The First Step Toward Coordinated Local Action, Ellen Chernosky Johnson
Social Determinants of Maternal Health: Mapping County-level Maternal Mortality & Sociodemographic Indices in Texas, 2012-2013, Alexia Cooley
Analysis of Baseline for a School-Based Plate-Waste Study Focused on Fruit and Vegetable Intake, Travis Rea Croom
Food Pantry Analysis for Travis County, Texas: Availability & Access to Food, Cassie Davis
Long Term Assessment of Patient Treatment Preferences for Knee Osteoarthritis, Sofia de Achaval
Assessing the Role of Infant Crying, Infant Sleep and Maternal Sleep on Postpartum Depression Amongst Mothers of Colicky Infants, Nkiruka Stephanie Ehiemere
The Limited Resource Effect: A Comparative Policy Analysis of Mandated Health Policy in Resource Constrained Bureaucratic Organizations, Kara McKenzie Elam
Perceived Benefits and Barriers of Physician Volunteerism in Free Clinics, Jennifer Nielsen Fan
Exploring Clinical and Social Variables Associated with Hepatitis C Infection in Homeless Individuals Residing in Travis County, Texas, Victoria Fleming
Incidence, Survival Trends, and Comparative Effectiveness of Novel Agents for Mantle Cell Lymphoma Patients in the U.S., Shuangshuang Fu
Recent Trends in Central Adiposity in the Fels Longitudinal Study, Brandon Gonzalez
Subclinical Peripheral Arterial Disease is Highly Prevalent in Mexican Americans and is Associated with Decreased Walking Ability, Nelson Gonzalez
Zika and West Nile Viruses in Body Fluids: Optimization of RNA Detection for Viral Persistence Studies, Rodion V Gorchakov
Understanding Energy-balance Behaviors in Diverse Populations, Natalia Ivana Heredia
Mediators of Tuberculosis Infection amongst Children that are Household Contacts of Adults with Tuberculosis in Mbabane, Swaziland, Kathryn Mackenzie Hicks
Maternal Genetic Variants of Digestive Diseases and Neural Tube Defects, Thanh T Hoang
Carbetocin Versus Oxytocin: A Systematic Review of Randomized Control Trials for the Future of Maternal Morbidity & Mortality in the US, Jes'Terieuz J Howard
Multivariate Network Meta-Analysis to Mitigate the Impact of Outcome Reporting Bias, Hyunsoo Hwang
Exploring Disparities in Maternal Residential Proximity to Unconentional Gas Development in the Barnett Shale in North Texas, Jennifer Ish
Muslim Experiences During Hurricane Harvey: The Importance of Faith-based Organizations in Disaster Relief, Omar Jaber
Total Worker Health on Occupational Injury among Male and Female, Career and Volunteer Firefighters, Christopher M Kaipust