Dissertations & Theses (ProQuest)
Digital dissertations from 1972-current. Full-text download via ProQuest is limited to The TMC Library's academic users; others may be able to access these documents through their own libraries or purchase them individually from ProQuest.
Many more (older) UTHealth-SPH dissertations are available in print format from The TMC Library. They are available via OneSearch under the subject heading: Dissertations, Academic--University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. School of Public Health
Submissions from 2018
The Influence of Face-to-face and E-mail Patient-provider Communication on Breast, Cervical, and Colorectal Cancer Screenings, Tiffany B Kindratt
Incidence, Outcomes, and Costs of Pregnancy in Adolescents with and without Diabetes Mellitus, Jaden R Kohn
Power and Possibility in the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Funding for Global Maternal & Child Health, Anna L Koons
Evaluation of the Culinary Medicine Program at the UTHealth School of Public Health, Lucy Lengfelder
Functional Joint Models for Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Data, Kan Li
A Longitudinal Analysis of Metabolic Syndrome and its Impact on Mental Health-Related Quality of Life and the Development of Depression, Victoria Marie Limon
Causal Inference in Time-Course and Heterogeneous Data, Nan Lin
Domestic Vaccination Prevalence among Refugee Arrivals in Texas, Teresa Lin
Inter-Pregnancy Change in Body Mass Index and Risk of Preterm Birth, Sarah K Littlejohn
Bayesian Spatial and Nonparametric Models for Cancer Radiomics, Xiao Li
Investigating Associations Between Mechanism of Anticoagulant-Associated Major Bleeding and Length of Hospital Stay, Olivia Mahlmann
Effect of Diabetes Treatment on Breast Cancer Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, Joanna-Grace Mayo Manzano
Determinants of Pre-exposure Prophylaxis among Men Who have Sex with Men: Houston, 2014, Brandi Elaine Markert
In-Vivo and In-Vitro Endocrine Activity and Toxicity of Oxybenzone (Benzophenone-3) in Humans and Animals: A Systematic Review, Trissa Marie Mcclatchey
Examination of the San Antonio Food Environment: Neighborhood and Food Insecurity Factors Associated with Fresh Food Intake of Overweight and Obese Latino Children, Marisol Daniela McDaniel
Mapping Colorectal Cancer in Texas Counties: How Age and Socioeconomic Factors Interact with Patients' Stage at Diagnosis with Colorectal Cancer, Kelly G McGauhey
Spine Surgery Outcomes: A Novel Approach to Integrated Patient Outcomes Assessment Targeting a Diverse Prospective Surgical Cohort, Miriam Martha Morales
Economic Burden of Infant Drug Exposure in Texas, Matthew G Myers
The Effects of Foreign Aid on Women's Health in Egypt and Jordan: A Systematic Review, Lina N Nabulsi
Evaluation of Measures and a Brief Intervention to Increase Colorectal Cancer Screening, Vishnu Prasad Nepal
Phylogenetic Analysis of HIV-1 Migration into and out of Houston, Texas, Chloe Ng-Wing-Sheung
Identification of Cancer Driver Genes Through a Gene-based Permutation Approach, Alice Blanche Sylvie Djotsa Nono
Understanding the Role of Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) in Immunosuppressed Cancer Patients, Adilene Olvera