Kelly and Halverson are to be congratulated on their contribution to the field of education. Their efforts in designing The Comprehensive Assessment of Leadership forLearning (CALL) represents a step forward inm the fomative assessment of distributed leadership in schools and their work is noteworthy in its rapid linking of survey assessment data to specific feedback and recommendations for users. Issues relevant to evidence-based practices, implementation, and professional common language are addressed in this commentary.
Key Take Away Points
- CALL represents a new generation of online assessment models and designs for linking leadership assessment data to specific feedback to improve leadership praactices.
- CALL focuses on the concepts and skills inherent in distributed leadership
- CALL may be strengthened by attention to the assessment of specific knowledge relevant evidence-based practices, implementation fidelity, and professional communication
Author Biography
Dr. Lyon is professor emeritus of Education Leadership and Policy at Southern Methodist University where he also served as chairman of the Education Leadership and Policy department and as associate dean of the School of Education. He currently is a distinguished scientist in cognition and neuroscience at the University of Texas, Dallas where he studies the neural foundations of reasoning and problem solving behavior in adolescent. As a former paratrooper and Vietnam combat veteran, Dr. Lyon has a passion for helping veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan re-enter society. He is particularly interested in understanding the impact of traumatic head injuries and PTSD on brain systems underlying learning and memory function among combat veterans and the development of interventions to improve those functions. Prior to his coming to Dallas, Dr. Lyon was the Chief of the Child Development and Behavior Branch at the National Institutes of Health from 2002 until 2005 and oversaw research programs in developmental and cognitive neuroscience; learning and learning disabilities; reading development and disorders; school readiness; normative cognitive, social, and emotional development; and behavioral pediatrics. In 2006, he was named by the Education Week Editorial Projects in Education as one of the top ten individuals influencing education in the past decade for his work in ensuring that educational programs purchased with federal funds were based upon converging scientific evidence of effectiveness and for introducing the concept of scientifically based research into Federal legislation.
Recommended Citation
G Lyon. (2012) "Assessing Distributed Leadership and the Successful Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices," Journal of Applied Research on Children: Informing Policy for Children at Risk: Vol. 3: Iss. 2, Article 13.DOI: https://doi.org/10.58464/2155-5834.1103
Available at: https://digitalcommons.library.tmc.edu/childrenatrisk/vol3/iss2/13
A Response To:
The Comprehensive Assessment of Leadership for Learning: A Next Generation Formative Evaluation and Feedback System by Carolyn Kelley and Richard Halverson.