

A commentary on Busch-Armendariz, Nsonwu, and Heffron’s article, “Human Trafficking Victims and Their Children: Assessing Needs, Vulnerabilities, Strengths, and Survivorship,” noting key findings and calling for further research.

Author Biography

Susan C. Mapp, Ph.D., MSSW, is department chair and associate professor of social work at Elizabethtown College. In 2007, she published her first book, Human Rights and Social Justice in a Global perspective: An Introduction to International Social Work with Oxford University Press. Her second text, Global Child Welfare and Well-being, recently published by Oxford University Press, assesses threats to child well-being around the world. Before joining the faculty of Elizabethtown College in 2003, Mapp worked in the social work field for almost a decade in positions in Houston, Texas, Austin, Texas and Germany. Mapp has published and presented her research internationally in peer-reviewed journals and scholarly conferences. She earned a bachelor's degree in psychology and religion from Trinity University, a master's degree in social work from the University of Texas at Austin, and a doctorate in social work from the University of Houston.



A Response To:

Human Trafficking Victims and Their Children: Assessing Needs, Vulnerabilities, Strengths, and Survivorship by Noel B. Busch-Armendariz, Maura B. Nsonwu, and Laurie Cook Heffron.


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