Faculty, Staff and Student Publications

Faculty, Staff and Student Publications


Open-access full-text journal articles of faculty, staff and students from McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston from 1999-present.


Submissions from 2024


Subcortical and Cerebellar Volume Differences In Bilingual and Monolingual Children: An Abcd Study, My V H Nguyen, Yinan Xu, Kelly A Vaughn, et al.


Effect of Multiple Quantum Well Periods On Structural Properties and Performance of Extended Short-Wavelength Infrared Leds, Phuc Dinh Nguyen, Minkyeong Kim, Yeongho Kim, et al.


Neonatal Outcomes In The Surgical Management of Placenta Accreta Spectrum Disorders: A Retrospective Single-Center Observational Study From 468 Vietnamese Pregnancies Beyond 28 Weeks of Gestation, Phuc Nhon Nguyen, Anh Dinh Bao Vuong, and Xuan Trang Thi Pham


Causal Influence of Linguistic Learning On Perceptual and Conceptual Processing: A Brain-Constrained Deep Neural Network Study of Proper Names and Category Terms, Phuc T U Nguyen, Malte R Henningsen-Schomers, and Friedemann Pulvermüller


Gut Microbiome of Patients With Breast Cancer in Vietnam, Sang M Nguyen, Huong T T Tran, Jirong Long, et al.


Clinical Epidemiological Characteristics and Risk Factors for Severity of SARS-CoV-2 Pneumonia in Pediatric Patients: A Hospital-Based Study in Vietnam, Sang N Nguyen, Lam T Vu, Ha T Nguyen, et al.


Prognostic Values of Serum Lactate-To-Bicarbonate Ratio and Lactate For Predicting 28-Day In-Hospital Mortality In Children With Dengue Shock Syndrome, Thanh Nguyen Tat, Nhu Vo Hoang-Thien, Dat Nguyen Tat, et al.


Comparing Anesthesia and Surgery Controlled Time For Primary Total Knee and Hip Arthroplasty Between An Academic Medical Center and A Community Hospital: Retrospective Cohort Study, Thy B Nguyen, Nathaen Weitzel, Craig Hogan, et al.


A Novel Missense Variant Located Within The Zinc Finger Domain of The Gli3 Gene Was Identified In A Vietnamese Pedigree With Index Finger Polydactyly, Thy Ngoc Nguyen, Giang Son Tran, Hai Duc Hoang, et al.


A Data-Driven Methodology To Comprehensively Assess Bone Drilling Using Radar Plots, Aman Nigam, James F Kellam, Catherine G Ambrose, et al.


Limited Independent Follow-Up with Germline Testing of Variants Detected in BRCA1 and BRCA2 by Tumor-Only Sequencing, Carol J Nowlen, Molly Daniels, Burak Uzunparmak, et al.


Microbial Co-Occurrences On Catheters From Long-Term Catheterized Patients, Taylor M Nye, Zongsen Zou, Chloe L P Obernuefemann, et al.


Emergent Emm4 Group A Streptococcus Evidences A Survival Strategy During Interaction With Immune Effector Cells, Chioma M Odo, Luis A Vega, Piyali Mukherjee, et al.


Retrorectal Hernia: A Rare Cause of Constipation Diagnosed On Magnetic Resonance (Mr) Defecography, Olanrewaju Ogunleye, Abeer H Abdelhafez, Eduardo Matta, et al.


Effect of Aspirin Versus Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin Thromboprophylaxis On Medication Satisfaction and Out-of-Pocket Costs: A Secondary Analysis of A Randomized Clinical Trial, Nathan N O'Hara, Katherine P Frey, Deborah M Stein, et al.


Submental Island Flaps For Lateral Reconstruction: Technical Refinements For Optimal Outcomes and Resource Efficiency, Melissa S Oh, Nikhil T Vettikattu, Harry Michael Baddour, et al.


Teen Pregnancy Involvement Among African, Caribbean and Black Adolescent Boys and Girls: A Scoping Review, Emmanuela Ojukwu, Eunice Bawafaa, Emily McKay, et al.


Association Between Serum Vitamin D Status and Uterine Leiomyomas: A Case-Control Study, Chukwuemeka Chukwubuikem Okoro, Okechukwu Christian Ikpeze, George Uchenna Eleje, et al.


An Ultra Energy-Efficient Hardware Platform For Neuromorphic Computing Enabled By 2D-Tmd Tunnel-Fets, Arnab Pal, Zichun Chai, Junkai Jiang, et al.


Measurement of 8-Hydroxy-2′-Deoxyguanosine In Serum and Cerebrospinal Fluid of Horses With Neuroaxonal Degeneration and Other Causes of Proprioceptive Ataxia, Megan Palmisano, Jeaneen Kulp, Susan Bender, et al.


Measurement of 8-Hydroxy-2′-Deoxyguanosine In Serum and Cerebrospinal Fluid of Horses With Neuroaxonal Degeneration and Other Causes of Proprioceptive Ataxia, Megan Palmisano, Jeaneen Kulp, Susan Bender, et al.


Light Scattering By Vitreous of Humans With Vision Degrading Myodesopsia From Floaters, Alba M Paniagua-Diaz, Justin H Nguyen, Pablo Artal, et al.


Risk Factors For Post-Discharge Adverse Outcomes Following Hospitalization Among Older Adults Diagnosed With Elder Mistreatment, Monique R Pappadis, Leila Wood, Allen Haas, et al.


Effect of Home-Based Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation On Cognitive Function In Patients With Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Two-Week Intervention, Jaesub Park, Kyungmi Chung, Yoonkyung Oh, et al.


Association of Socioeconomic Factors and Severity of Bronchiolitis Hospitalizations, Raymond Parlar-Chun and Zoabe Hafeez