Faculty, Staff and Student Publications

Faculty, Staff and Student Publications


Open-access full-text journal articles of faculty, staff and students from McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston from 1999-present.


Submissions from 2022


Quantification of Pulmonary Artery Configuration after the Arterial Switch Operation: A Pilot Study, Thomas Martens, Gillian Claeys, Joachim De Groote, et al.


Association of Atrial Septal Aneurysm and Shunt Size With Stroke Recurrence and Benefit From Patent Foramen Ovale Closure, Jean-Louis Mas, Jeffrey L Saver, Scott E Kasner, et al.


Registry of Aortic Diseases to Model Adverse Events and Progression (ROADMAP) in Uncomplicated Type B Aortic Dissection: Study Design and Rationale, Domenico Mastrodicasa, Martin J Willemink, Valery L Turner, et al.


Gray and White Matter Abnormality In Patients With T2Dm-Related Cognitive Dysfunction: A Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis, Teng Ma, Ze-Yang Li, Ying Yu, et al.


A Multitask Deep Learning Approach For Pulmonary Embolism Detection and Identification, Xiaotian Ma, Emma C Ferguson, Xiaoqian Jiang, et al.


Fatal Case of Ebv-Negative Posttransplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder With Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis In An Adult Kidney Transplant Recipient, Sergio Mazzola Poli de Figueiredo, John C Johnson, Kirill A Lyapichev, et al.


Editorial: Neuroinflammatory Response and Brain-Peripheral Crosstalk After Stroke, Devin W McBride, Lei Huang, Qing-Wu Yang, et al.


The Immunoregulatory Landscape of Human Tuberculosis Granulomas, Erin F McCaffrey, Michele Donato, Leeat Keren, et al.


Clinicopathological Correlations In Heart Transplantation Recipients Complicated By Death Or Re-Transplantation, Michelle M McDonald, Maks Mihalj, Bihong Zhao, et al.


Same Day Discharge Following Elective, Minimally Invasive, Colorectal Surgery : A Review of Enhanced Recovery Protocols and Early Outcomes By The Sages Colorectal Surgical Committee With Recommendations Regarding Patient Selection, Remote Monitoring, and Successful Implementation, Elisabeth C McLemore, Lawrence Lee, Traci L Hedrick, et al.


Decontamination of Geobacillus Stearothermophilus Using The Arca Aerosolized Hydrogen Peroxide Decontamination System, Loren Benjamin Mead, Tanner Mathison, Garry Osborne, et al.


Age Cutoff for Early‐Onset Parkinson's Disease: Recommendations from the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society Task Force on Early Onset Parkinson's Disease, Raja Mehanna, Katarzyna Smilowska, Jori Fleisher, et al.


Characteristics and Predictors of Intensive Care Unit Admission In Pediatric Blunt Abdominal Trauma, Steven C Mehl, Megan E Cunningham, Christian J Streck, et al.


Multicenter Collaborative Study of The Interaction of Antifungal Combinations Against Browzine Journal Cover Candida Spp By Loewe Additivity and Bliss Independence-Based Response Surface Analysis, Joseph Meletiadis, David R Andes, Shawn R Lockhart, et al.


“Racing-stripe” Modification of Radial Forearm Free Flap: Technique and Experience (704 Consecutive Cases), Emmanuel G Melissinos and Erik S Marques


Multimodel Order Independent Component Analysis: A Data-Driven Method For Evaluating Brain Functional Network Connectivity Within and Between Multiple Spatial Scales, Xing Meng, Armin Iraji, Zening Fu, et al.


Thromboembolism In Children With Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome: A Literature Review, Neethu M Menon and Lakshmi V Srivaths


Influenza Activity and Composition of The 2022-23 Influenza Vaccine - United States, 2021-22 Season, Angiezel Merced-Morales, Peter Daly, Anwar Isa Abd Elal, et al.


Evaluation of The Effectiveness of Uv-C Dose For Photoinactivation of Sars-Cov-2 In Contaminated N95 Respirator, Surgical and Cotton Fabric Masks, Patrícia Metolina, Lilian Gomes de Oliveira, Bruno Ramos, et al.


The Reading Profiles of Late Elementary English Learners With and Without Risk For Dyslexia, Jeremy Miciak, Yusra Ahmed, Phil Capin, et al.


Modeling Neonatal Intraventricular Hemorrhage Through Intraventricular Injection of Hemoglobin, Brandon A Miller, Shelei Pan, Peter H Yang, et al.


Medical Training In Home Care Medicine: The Time Is Now, Rachel K Miller, Melissa D Morgan-Gouveia, and Linda V DeCherrie


Genetics and Epigenetics of Self-Injurious Thoughts and Behaviors: Systematic Review of The Suicide Literature and Methodological Considerations, Salahudeen Mirza, Anna R Docherty, Amanda Bakian, et al.


Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis of Carbocyclic C-Nucleosides, Sourabh Mishra, Florian C T Modicom, Conor L Dean, et al.


Effect of Al2O3 on Nanostructure and Ion Transport Properties of PVA/PEG/SSA Polymer Electrolyte Membrane, Hamdy F M Mohamed, Esam E Abdel-Hady, Mostafa M Y Abdel-Moneim, et al.