Browse Journals and Peer-Reviewed Series

Another feature on DigitalCommons@TMC is the growing peer reviewed journals hosted on this site, submitted by McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston, Baylor College of Medicine, Children at Risk and Prairie View A&M.

Some of these journals hosted on this site include Teaching in Clinics, had been mentioned in the UTHealth Houston McGovern Medical School's media outlet, "Journal opens discussion on medical education." The VAD journal started in 2015, is the longest running born digital e-journal hosted on this repository.

Interested in publishing an open-access journal? Please email or call 713-799-4200 for more info.


Current Journals

Archived Journals and Peer Reviewed Series


Advances in Teaching and Learning Day Abstracts (Advances in Teaching and Learning Day)

Journal of Applied Research on Children: Informing Policy for Children at Risk (Children at Risk)

Journal of Digital Psychiatry (McGovern Medical School)

Journal of Family Strengths (Children at Risk)

Journal of Nursing & Interprofessional Leadership in Quality & Safety (Baylor College of Medicine)

Journal of Shock and Hemodynamics (McGovern Medical School)

Teaching in Clinics (McGovern Medical School)

The Texas Heart Institute Journal (Texas Heart Institute)

The VAD Journal (McGovern Medical School)